Toy Story 2

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Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie when the 'false' Buzz Light Year is running along the air conditioning ducts his 'New Utility Belt' disappears then reappears again. (01:01:55)

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Trivia: If you pause the film when we first meet Mrs. Potato Head, you can see that she's reading "A Bug's Life". (00:05:45)

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Question: When Al is talking to the Japanese man on the phone, he ends the phone call with "Don't touch my mustache." What does he mean by this? Is this a Japanese term that sounds like don't touch my mustache? (Similar to when everybody yells "have a paper bag!" at Harryhausen's in Monster's Inc?)

Answer: "Douitashimashite" is the Japanese word for You're welcome. Phonetically, it sounds like "Don't touch my mustache." It's how we were taught to say it while living in Japan in the military. If you say it fast enough, you can sound like you are pronouncing the word decently enough (although clearly not THAT accurately.)

Shannon Jackson

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