Toy Story

Factual error: When the soldiers are asked to find out what gifts Andy is getting at his birthday party, the set out down stairs with half of a baby monitor. Well, any parent who owns one knows that there are 2 pieces to a baby monitor. One half (the larger half) is the receiving end (that takes in the noises) and a smaller half which is the transmitting part (the half that sends out the noises). The half that the soldiers take downstairs to talk through is the wrong half. They take the half that the noise comes OUT of. So, really, they should NOT be able to speak into this part - in real life, they'd hear what was happening up in Andy's room. (00:09:18)

Toy Story mistake picture

Factual error: In the scene when Buzz and Woody are at the gas station, Buzz looks up at the moon and talks about Zurg. The reflection of the moon on his helmet looks the same as the moon in the sky, rather than its mirror image.

Factual error: When Andy and Woody start spinning in the recliner, Woody inclines to the center (to his right) instead of inclining to the left according to the centrifugal force physical law. (00:02:56)


Factual error: When woody lights the rocket using Buzz's helmet to refract the sun, Buzz being made of plastic (including his helmet) would've been burned or at least had some sort of damage from the sun, but he doesn't. The same when Woody finds out his hand is burning. No visible burn mark.


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Suggested correction: The sun is concentrated further beyond, not the helmet, so the helmet doesn't get as hot from it as that area does. Besides, plastic doesn't melt that easily, not from a concentrated sunbeam at least. It's a better question to ask if plastic can concentrate light as much as a magnifying glass can. We don't know when the toys feel something, so he must have felt the heat before it damaged its hand. We hear sizzling but that can only be superficial. No scar is from Sid's torture either.


Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There's an electrical outlet on the wall below the window (aligned with the window shade's loop) in Sid's room near the Megadork poster, but when Sid throws Woody to the floor and raises the shade (before he scorches Woody's forehead with the magnifying glass), that outlet has vanished.

Super Grover

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Buzz: I just want you to know that although you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
Woody: Oh, well, that's good.
Buzz: But we're not on my planet, are we?
Woody: No.

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Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The number A113 has appeared in every full length Pixar film. In Toy Story, as well as its sequel, it is the license plate number on Andy's mom's mini-van.


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Question: Pixar movies have always shown to have adult themes. Was Buzz drunk during the Mrs. Nesbit scene?

Answer: There wasn't anything for him to get drunk on. He was just wallowing in self pity and frankly, his world had just fallen apart, so it's understandable that he'd act a little loopy as a reaction.


Answer: He was simply depressed. You can tell because he snaps out of it as soon as Woody hits him.

Answer: He was apparently drunk on Darjeeling tea - Woody takes the teapot away, saying he's had enough.

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