Toy Story
Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The number A113 has appeared in every full length Pixar film. In Toy Story, as well as its sequel, it is the license plate number on Andy's mom's mini-van.


Trivia: This was the first completely computer-generated feature film.

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: The carpet design used in Sid's house is the same design used in the hotel featured in The Shining (1980). (00:48:55 - 00:50:10)

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Suggested correction: The designs are not the same, only superficially similar.


The design is spot on. The color is just different.


So it is identical, except for how it is different?

No one said it was identical. The trivia is the pattern is the same. Color has no bearing on the trivial fact. The fact that they animated the carpet means the design was intentional. Although, it's possible they copied the design from a 70's carpet pattern that "The Shining" also used, rather than copy the design in "The Shining."


The colours are reversed but other than that they are the same.


Trivia: When Woody is trapped in a milk crate, he hides under a book. The book is TM-31-210 Improvised Munition Handbook. A US Army manual detailing how to make explosives/weapons/traps from ordinary household materials. Gives another look at just how warped Sid is. (00:55:50 - 00:59:05)

Grumpy Scot

Trivia: After the "Hey Hamm, I'm Picasso" gag, Mr. Potato Head says to a toy hockey puck, "What are you looking at, you hockey puck?" As an insult comic, Don Rickles (who voices Potato Head) was famous for calling people a "hockey puck" in his routines. (00:04:20)

Cubs Fan

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: There are many books behind Woody when he is giving his speech and some of them are Pixar short films such as Red's Dream, Knick Knack, and Tin Toy. The Tin Toy book even has director John Lasseter's last name on it. (00:06:00)


Trivia: Each Toy Story film in the trilogy has a Star Wars reference from the adjacent trilogy episode. In this movie, Buzz mentions that Zurg has a weapon powerful enough to destroy an entire planet, a reference to the Death Star. (00:32:20)

Trivia: The animation team perfected the movement of the toy soldiers by gluing some sneakers to a sheet of wood and trying to walk around with them on.

Trivia: Originally Woody was to have a nightmare where he was being attacked by a giant Buzz Lightyear with real working lasers. While the idea was dropped from the film, it was later used as a boss battle in the promotional video game, and later as an inspiration for Woody's nightmare in Toy Story 2.

Trivia: All of the characters eye blink independently, rather than together - a quirk the artists intentionally incorporated.


Trivia: All of the cars in Toy Story have license plate stickers that are dated November 95 - the same date the movie was released. (01:07:30)

Trivia: One of the cars' licence plate is "HTT1195", which references the company "Hi Tech Tunes", which produced the film.

Toy Story trivia picture

Trivia: Originally, Toy Story was going to be about a bear in a toy store. However, the animators decided it would be hard at the time to animate fur for a bear, so they eventually changed the story to what it is now. They kept the bear design, you can see him on the shelf when Woody has his staff meeting. That same bear went through some design changes, and became Lotso from Toy Story 3. (00:06:55)

Trivia: When Buzz & Woody are on RC, it very briefly shows Andy's little sister in the car, watching them from the mirror. In the background, we can hear "Hakuna Matata" from Disney's "The Lion King" playing on the radio. (01:12:05)


Trivia: The moving truck's license plate is "MLY1K9" - a reference to Pixar's resident sheepdog, Molly (one canine). (01:07:50)


Toy Story mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There's an electrical outlet on the wall below the window (aligned with the window shade's loop) in Sid's room near the Megadork poster, but when Sid throws Woody to the floor and raises the shade (before he scorches Woody's forehead with the magnifying glass), that outlet has vanished.

Super Grover

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Mr. Potato Head: Ages three and up! It's on my box! Ages three and up! I'm not supposed to be babysitting Princess Drool!

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Question: I was wondering. Does Sid destroy toys because his father beats/abuses Sid, so Sid lets out his anger on toys? This would explain all the locks on Sid's door, to hide from his father and to hide what he does to toys. When Scud is looking for Woody, he notices Sid's father sleeping, and Scud walks away, which could mean that Scud doesn't want to wake up Sid's father knowing he is a cruel and violent man.

Answer: This is a Disney/Pixar production, at no point are they intimating that kind of a relationship between son and father. If anything, the father simply doesn't care what his son gets up to so long as he isn't disturbed by it. Any other inferences you get from the movie are for you to contend with, but the family nature of the movie would suggest beating/abuse is not the answer.


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