Mr. Potato Head: Ages three and up! It's on my box! Ages three and up! I'm not supposed to be babysitting Princess Drool!
Mr. Potato Head: Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel, I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased by Mattel in a leveraged buyout.
Hamm: Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.
Buzz Lightyear: I tell you I can fly around this room with my eyes closed.
Woody: Alright then, Mr. Lightbeer, prove it.
Slinky Dog: It's Sid!
Rex: I thought he was at summer camp!
Hamm: They must've kicked him out early this year.
Sid Phillips: No-one has ever attempted a double bypass brain transplant before. Now for the tricky part. [Off-screen] Pliers!
Woody: What chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure?
Woody: Wait a minute, I just lit a rocket... Rockets explode!
Rex: What if Andy gets another dinosaur? A mean one? I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection!
[Andy is opening his birthday presents.]
Mr. Potato Head: Mrs. Potato Head, Mrs. Potato Head.
[Sees the other toys looking at him.]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, I can dream, can't I?
Buzz Lightyear: To infinity...and beyond!
Suggested correction: The designs are not the same, only superficially similar.
raywest ★
The design is spot on. The color is just different.
So it is identical, except for how it is different?
No one said it was identical. The trivia is the pattern is the same. Color has no bearing on the trivial fact. The fact that they animated the carpet means the design was intentional. Although, it's possible they copied the design from a 70's carpet pattern that "The Shining" also used, rather than copy the design in "The Shining."
The colours are reversed but other than that they are the same.
Ssiscool ★