Toy Story
Movie Quote Quiz

Buzz: I just want you to know that although you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
Woody: Oh, well, that's good.
Buzz: But we're not on my planet, are we?
Woody: No.

Mr. Potato Head: Ages three and up! It's on my box! Ages three and up! I'm not supposed to be babysitting Princess Drool!

Mr. Potato Head: Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel, I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased by Mattel in a leveraged buyout.

Woody: You are a TOY!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man. You have my pity.

Hamm: Yes, sir, we're next month's garage sale fodder for sure.

Buzz Lightyear: I tell you I can fly around this room with my eyes closed.
Woody: Alright then, Mr. Lightbeer, prove it.

Woody: Uh, Buzz, we missed the truck!
Buzz: We're not aiming for the truck!

Slinky Dog: It's Sid!
Rex: I thought he was at summer camp!
Hamm: They must've kicked him out early this year.

Sid Phillips: No-one has ever attempted a double bypass brain transplant before. Now for the tricky part. [Off-screen] Pliers!

Woody: Hey, Buzz! You're flying!
Buzz: This isn't flying, this is falling with style!

Woody: What chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure?

Woody: Wait a minute, I just lit a rocket... Rockets explode!

Buzz: I've set my laser from stun to kill.
Woody: Oh, great. If anyone attacks we can blink em' to death.

Rex: What if Andy gets another dinosaur? A mean one? I just don't think I can take that kind of rejection!

[Andy is opening his birthday presents.]
Mr. Potato Head: Mrs. Potato Head, Mrs. Potato Head.
[Sees the other toys looking at him.]
Mr. Potato Head: Hey, I can dream, can't I?

Buzz: Do you know these life forms?
Woody: Yes, they're Andy's toys.

Toy Story mistake picture

Other mistake: When Rex shakes the table causing the baby monitor to fall, the batteries fall out and we see the open battery compartment with markings for positive (+) and negative (-), and space for two AA batteries. Woody jumps off the bed and places the two batteries inside the compartment, but before he closes the compartment note the position of the battery closest to the top of the monitor. The positive side is actually where the negative side should be so the monitor should not work, but the monitor turns on just in time to hear the soldier's warning. (00:13:15)

Super Grover

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Trivia: This was the first completely computer-generated feature film.

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Question: I was wondering. Does Sid destroy toys because his father beats/abuses Sid, so Sid lets out his anger on toys? This would explain all the locks on Sid's door, to hide from his father and to hide what he does to toys. When Scud is looking for Woody, he notices Sid's father sleeping, and Scud walks away, which could mean that Scud doesn't want to wake up Sid's father knowing he is a cruel and violent man.

Answer: This is a Disney/Pixar production, at no point are they intimating that kind of a relationship between son and father. If anything, the father simply doesn't care what his son gets up to so long as he isn't disturbed by it. Any other inferences you get from the movie are for you to contend with, but the family nature of the movie would suggest beating/abuse is not the answer.


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