Corrected entry: The real Titanic was not moored to the dock in England it was anchored out in deeper water in the harbor and passengers were shuttled out to it on smaller boats as the harbor was not deep enough right at the dock.
Corrected entry: Anyone who's ever been on a boat knows how dangerous it is to have a bigger boat floating nearby - it produces huge waves that make the little boat tilt and many times turn over. Now what kind of waves would such a huge ship as Titanic produce!? However, at the beginning of the movie, when Titanic is leaving the port, there is a fishing boat nearby with a fisherman in it - and nothing even moves. (00:26:55)
Correction: Having served onboard an Aircraft carrier for nearly 5 years I am very familiar with the wake a large ship can produce. The scene you refer to did not finish, that is the wake that was produced had not had enough time to reach the small vessel. The speed of the Titanic is approx 8 - 10 knots as she exits the port. The wake from her would have amounted to about 1 to maybe 2 feet of swell. Even when it did reach the small boat it would have been exciting bobbing up and down on the wake but it would not have capsized the small fishing boat. I have seen this played out with our carrier many times. One instance in the harbor of Japan, many small craft from 10 - 15 feet in length were rocked by our wake as we passed them at less than 20' but none ever capsized or had the occupants thrown overboard. They were Greenpeace demonstrators and put themselves in harms way for their beliefs and were far closer to us than the fisherman was to the Titanic, a ship of equal size to us.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Rose is getting the axe from it's glass case she is wearing a pink patterned dress, when she is breaking Jack's handcuffs moments later she is wearing a light pink dress with a blue wrap/cardigan thing. How did she find time to change when the ship was sinking?
Correction: She is always wearing the same dress, she just has a coat on over it and she takes it off revealing the light pink dress with a blue wrap you saw.
Corrected entry: The first three funnels all fall down the wrong way. By looking at the twisted metal remnants of the smokestacks at their original positions, it can be told that the 1st fell forward, the 2nd fell to starboard, and the 3rd fell back into the tear in the ship. (02:35:50 - 02:41:50)
Correction: In the film, the first funnel did infact fall forwards, crushing some people. It is not shown in the film how the second funnel falls, so that can't be said. As for the third funnel, it could not have fallen backwards into the gap. This is because of the slant in which the ship was at; it is highly impossible for the funnel to fall backwards with gravity pulling it the other way.
Corrected entry: Throughout the film, Cora, the little third class girl, and her father speak with massively different accents. She sounds American whilst he speaks in a more likely cockney English. This is most noticeable in the departure scene where he says to her: "It's a big boat, ain't it?" and she replies in a perfect American accent, "But Daddy, it's a ship." Surely she would speak with roughly a similar accent to her father?
Correction: Father and daughter don't always speak alike. She could have lived with her mother and then her mother died or something then he took her in so that could be an explanation, also the longer you live some were the harder it is to get rid of the accent so maybe her father lived somewhere and got that accent and she never picked it up because they lived somewhere else. My friend's parents have a South African accent but she speaks just like the California girl she is.
Corrected entry: When the plates are falling on the floor near the end of the movie, if you watch when the camera shows the sideways shots of all the crashing plates, there is another cabinet in the background with vases and cups on it that aren't even moving.
Correction: In general many of the vases and cups did not move but if you watch carefully you can see that about half of the vases and cups do move slightly in the direction of the plates falling.
Corrected entry: At the end of the dinner scene when the men rise to go to the smoking room Jack hands Molly a pen which he borrowed for writing the note for Rose but the note is clearly in pencil. (01:02:05 - 01:02:50)
Correction: It's a mechanical pencil, not a pen. Note the shape of the point, below Molly's little finger as she moves it to her bag. This is typical of mechanical pencils of the era. A pen would be a cylinder without a point at either end.
Corrected entry: When Jack and Rose are fleeing along a passage the water causes a gasoline explosion in each light fixture it reaches. The Titanic would have had DC lighting, in which case the bulbs would have simply broken from the temperature differential and the water would have shorted out the entire circuit that the lightbulb was on. (02:17:10)
Correction: The lights would have been wired in parallel so that if one of them failed the rest would still remain lit both for safety and to make identification of the failed bulb easy. If the lights were wired in series then failure of one would lead to darkness and all would have to be checked to determine which one had to be replaced. Note that this behaviour is not linked to whether the current is AC or DC.
Corrected entry: When Fabrizio is nearly sucked through the port hole into the grand staircase, he is pulled from a great distance. He manages to stop, and throws himself away from the porthole. However, this is much nearer to the porthole than he was when he was sucked through originally, and yet no longer has any problems with suction - as he even pauses before swimming away. The suction would not have disappeared this quick.
Correction: Once the water level equalized with the water level inside the porthole, the suction would disappear. We see the water cover the porthole just as he is climbing up.
Corrected entry: In the scene where Kate Winslet pays Leonardo DiCaprio for the picture he drew, she pays with a Mercury head dime (not a Roosevelt dime as has already been submitted). The Titanic sank in 1912 and Mercury head dimes were not made until 1916. (01:22:25)
Correction: Upon very close examination, the dime is in fact the correct Barber dime, minted from 1892 - 1916, not a Mercury dime.
Corrected entry: When Rose spits into Cal's face there's too much liquid to be spit. Apparently they used KY Jelly. (01:53:20)
Correction: The spit is realistic, there isn't too much liquid.
Corrected entry: J. Gordon Ismay was an educated, intelligent man. He knew perfectly well who Sigmund Freud was. Rose, on the other hand, was an unmarried Edwardian society girl and wouldn't have even been allowed in a room where Freud's books were kept. She would most certainly not have been aware of his theories of penile envy.
Correction: Just because Rose was not formally allowed to study Freud, or other subjects, does not mean her parents, (mother especially), did not educate her privately as many families in that time period did. Also, being from a wealthy family, until their father lost all the money, she could have had access to a library at home and studied on her on.
Corrected entry: After introducing Molly Brown, Rose says that "they're steaming west". But in that scene the rising sun is to Titanic's left, which means they're going north- and at full speed.
Correction: Most people who don't know much about navigation assume that you go straight west from Great Britain to New York, however, it is actually quicker to go slighty north and follow the curvature of the earth since it is narrower at that point. Rose proably just assumed (incorrectly) like most people that they went straight west.
Titanic never traveled north after leaving Ireland. At this point in its journey, it would have been heading southwest. See this map for evidence:
Corrected entry: When Cal is searching for Rose on the Carpathia, she covers up her face so that he doesn't see her. But when the ship gets to New York, she is standing on the bow without anything covering her face, so Cal should be able to spot her straight away.
Correction: She hides her face because he's close to her. When she is standing at the bow, he's not anywhere around, so she's not afraid he'll see her.
Corrected entry: In the departure scene at Southampton, the underwater shot shows the centre propeller begin to spin. The centre, turbine-driven, propeller was only deployed after the ship was in the open sea. It was a sort of "booster" engine that provided extra speed. It would not be used while in tight quarters. (00:26:40)
Correction: Historical evidence states that the Titanic did start up its middle propeller, which nearly caused a major accident as the drag of the central propeller sucked another ship towards her.
Corrected entry: When Cal, Rose and Ruth are coming out of the cars, Rose emerges from the first. Lovejoy then opens the door on the second car for Ruth, who emerges clutching boxes. Then Cal gets out of the first car after Rose, holding the door open....for Ruth, who then climbs out of this car as well, empty handed. For this to happen, she would have had to climb out the first car, then into the second on the far side, deposited her boxes, before following Cal. Unlikely somehow.
Correction: The person to get out after Rose is not Ruth, but Rose's maid, Trudy. It does look like Ruth, but on closer inspection it makes sense to be Trudy as she would be carrying hand luggage like boxes, and is not dressed quite as well as Ruth.
Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film Old Rose and her granddaughter see the picture Jack drew and Rose's granddaughter comments, "Do you really think that is you Nanna?" Yet at the end of the film we see that everywhere Rose goes she keeps many pictures of herself as a young woman, so her granddaughter would have undoubtedly seen these pictures and their resemblance to the drawing.
Corrected entry: Shortly after the ship has struck the iceberg there is a left to right shot of part of the exterior of the ship which shows that the ship has a pronounced list. However, if you are familiar with the details of the Titanic you can see that the direction the ship's sloping in this shot seems to show that it's going down by the stern and not the bow, as it should be. Pay attention to the enclosed A deck promenade and bridge wing cabs.
Correction: I'm sure Cameron would have noticed if he'd shot the ship sinking by the stern. The angle of the shot makes it appear that way. In the scene where the ship splits in two, it looks like the bow is level and the stern is falling down and back, despite this not being the case - both apparent errors are just deceptive angles.
Corrected entry: When Jack and Rose are running through the boiler room, notice their clothes are perfectly clean, even after they ran through the smoke and such. (01:19:35)
Correction: I see no reason at all why their clothes would get dirty, smoke may make their clothes smell but that's about all.
Corrected entry: Cal leaves the necklace in the jacket, and Rose later ends up with it. The elderly Rose says it was a dreadful heavy thing. Yet, she doesn't notice it is there until she is already safe aboard the Carpathian. Surely Rose would have felt the weight of it before then, especially with the coat being soaking wet.
Correction: She may have meant that it was heavy for a piece of jewelry, but since most jewelry isn't that heavy, that's not saying much. Once the coat gets wet (in addition to everything else Rose is going through at that time) it's doubtful that she would have even noticed the little extra weight in the pocket.
Correction: Wrong. Titanic docked at the White Star dock in Southampton, where the scene we see is set. See It was at Cherbourg, her first port of call that she was too large for the docks and had to lay off in the harbour.