The Sting

Other mistake: The reporting of the horse race used to sting Doyle Lonnegan stops as soon as the fake FBI agents raid the bookmakers. J J Singleton, who is reading the results of the race, stops when he sees the raid taking place. However, that was supposed to be a live broadcast from the racetrack itself. It should have continued. Lonnegan isn't stupid - he would pick up on something like that immediately.

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The person "operating the radio" could easily have switched it off because of the commotion. Lonnegan would simply suppose this is what had happened. He is not going to instantly suspect someone is faking the whole thing.

Making up deus ex machina explanations for mistakes does not invalidate them.

Other mistake: Why is the cashier sitting behind bars in the mock-up bookies when he just steps out of the side to go and fetch Gondorf? If anyone wanted to get at the cashiers they could just walk around the side where there is no door.

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Suggested correction: It's partly psychological. Also, anyone going around the bars would be slowed down, more than simply reaching over, giving the cashier the opportunity to react.

Other mistake: Wrecking Crew was 3-1. Ray Walston announces he paid $6.00 to win. If he was 3-1, he would have paid $8.00.

Factual error: When Hooker comes out of the diner there is a billboard advertisement to the right. It is for Ezra Brooks bourbon. Ezra Brooks brand wasn't created until 1957.

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Question: If Salino was a hit woman for Lonnegan, why did he put a hit on Hooker, who he was working with to play the track? Also, who were, and why did the hit men arrive at Hooker's apartment to kill him?

Answer: He wanted to kill the man who swindled him out of his money. He didn't know it was Hooker. Same thing with the two hit men, they didn't know the hit woman was working the same hit.

Isn't one of the hit men who got Luther (and who would also know what Hooker looked like) the big tall security dude (on the train) for Lonnigan? I thought he was one of the black and white photos. Seems to me Lonnigan would eventually know that Hooker and Kelly were the same guy?

I agree with this statement.

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