The Sting

Lonnegan bets 500,000 dollars on a horse and looses. The Feds come in and arrest Gondorf. Gondorf shoots Hooker. Agent Polk shoots Gondorf. Lutenint Snyder takes Lonnegan away. The Feds tell Hooker and Gondorf the coast is clear and they get up. They were just acting. The Feds weren't really the Feds. They were Gondorf's buddies. Hooker and Gondorf walk away.

Riff Raff

Other mistake: The reporting of the horse race used to sting Doyle Lonnegan stops as soon as the fake FBI agents raid the bookmakers. J J Singleton, who is reading the results of the race, stops when he sees the raid taking place. However, that was supposed to be a live broadcast from the racetrack itself. It should have continued. Lonnegan isn't stupid - he would pick up on something like that immediately.

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Suggested correction: This isn't a mistake. The person "operating the radio" could easily have switched it off because of the commotion. Lonnegan would simply suppose this is what had happened. He is not going to instantly suspect someone is faking the whole thing.

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Trivia: Even though it sets the mood for the film, Scott Joplin's ragtime music was no longer popular during the 1930s.

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Question: What horse actually won the race that Lonigan bets on Lucky Dan to win?


Chosen answer: I watched this the other night and specifically listened for what horse won the race that Lucky Dan was running in. It is never revealed who the winner is, because while the fake announcer in the back room is calling the race, the F.B.I. agents raid the building. During the ensuing chaos, shouting, and gunfire, it is impossible to hear the broadcast over the noise.


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