Batman and Robin

Audio problem: Ivy tells Robin that Freeze wants to turn Gotham into "an ice cube" but she's not mouthing those words. (01:38:14)


Continuity mistake: During the press conference, Julie's hand swaps from being lowered to brushing her hair between shots. (00:35:57)


Audio problem: When the telescope is falling and the two people are with Batman, he tells them to grab onto his belt. The audio is terribly clipped.


Revealing mistake: In the museum, when Robin breaks the door with his bike you can notice that the door is made of foam rubber or similar.


Revealing mistake: When Batman is doing his little sliding stunt on the dinosaur exhibit when he and Freeze meet at the beginning, it's obvious that he has roller skates on and is on a rail. (00:05:10)

Batman and Robin mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: At the beginning when Batman and Robin are facing Freeze, Robin arrives and crashes through the wall with his motorcycle and leaves a shape in the wall that a motorcycle could possibly make. But, the next shot after Batman looks where Robin is still flying and about to land on his motorcycle, there is a huge bat shape in the broken wall. Obviously done for campy effect, but still a mistake regardless.

Other mistake: During the end credits when the listing for the vehicles go by, it shows "BATMOBILE, FREEZEMOBILE REDBIRD, BATHAMMER, BATSKIFF, and BATCYCLE BY TFX." There should be a comma between Freezemobile and Redbird. (02:02:05)

Quantom X

Alfred: There is no defeat in death, Master Bruce. Victory comes in defending what we know is right while we still live.

More quotes from Batman and Robin
More trivia for Batman and Robin

Question: How does Ivy get Nora's snowflake necklace without getting her costume soaked in the cyro fluid or whatever it is?


Answer: Maybe she drained the cryo-tube first? Maybe she did get wet but had dried off by the time we see her again? Maybe Bane did it for her? Pick whatever answer works best for you. It's a really small, insignificant detail in the film with plenty of potential answers.


Thanks though keep in mind she wouldn't have a clue as to how it works since she's a botanist not a scientist in cyro genetics.


She pulled the plug on the thing so Nora died and the tank drained (either automatically or Ivy did it). She just took the necklace off the body.


Answer: She most likely used her mind control potion on someone and had them do it for her.

More questions & answers from Batman and Robin

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