Basic Instinct
Movie Quote Quiz

Gus: Forgive me for asking, and I don't mean to belabor the obvious, but why've you got your head so far up your ass.
Nick: She wants to play. Fine, I can play.
Gus: Everybody she plays with dies.

Continuity mistake: During the big sex scene you see red marks on Michael Douglas's back. These red marks are from when Sharon Stone scratches him. The thing is, she scratches him a minute AFTER you see the red marks on him for the first time.

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Question: Did Stone have a motive for all that she did or was she nuts and doing it all for fun?


Answer: She is portrayed as a psychopath with an uncontrollable urge to kill.


I wouldn't say that she had an "urge" to kill. Rather, she was willing to "dispose" of people by killing them. She would kill people who were in her way or were no longer interesting/useful.

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