Basic Instinct

Question: Why did Catherine change her mind about killing Nick at the end? Obviously she was planning on killing him anyway, but she changed her mind only hours after ending their relationship when her book was finished and was of no further use. So why did she spare him? Was it because she fell in "love" with him?


Answer: There's no definitive answer to this and the ending is deliberately ambiguous and open to interpretation. The audience is left to speculate whether or not Catherine kills Nick, or if she intended to kill him but changes her mind because she loves him, or intends to kill him at a much later time, and so on.


Question: Did Stone have a motive for all that she did or was she nuts and doing it all for fun?


Answer: She is portrayed as a psychopath with an uncontrollable urge to kill.


I wouldn't say that she had an "urge" to kill. Rather, she was willing to "dispose" of people by killing them. She would kill people who were in her way or were no longer interesting/useful.

Question: Why did Catherine target Nick? I know he's a big douchebag, but that can't be the only reason right? Was it to get revenge against Beth for once and all for leaving her?

Answer: Because she's insane? And very ill. And dangerous. A pure bred psychopath. She got off screwing with him, his head. She has a degree in effing with you. Beth was just a bonus. Unlucky. Collateral damage. Unfortunate. Catherine was, is a clinical psychopath. She had no reason. Or it was fun for her. She was one twisted broad. An evil dame. (IMHO).

Alan Keddie

Continuity mistake: During the big sex scene you see red marks on Michael Douglas's back. These red marks are from when Sharon Stone scratches him. The thing is, she scratches him a minute AFTER you see the red marks on him for the first time.

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Nick: So where is this going?
Catherine: Ask me "What do you want from me Catherine?"
Nick: What the fuck do you want from Catherine?

More quotes from Basic Instinct

Trivia: Director Paul Verhoeven actually has a PhD in mathematics. He received it back in the 1960's in Holland. He left the field and became a film director. (From Director's commentary on "Basic Instinct: The Original Director's Cut".).

Luna Negra

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