Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
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Suggested correction: Technically, Lugosi did not play THE Wolf Man. He played A Wolf Man who infected Larry Talbot. He never appeared in werewolf makeup.

Other mistake: Despite the early scenes being set in Cardiff and its environs, not one character has a South Wales accent.

More mistakes in Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

Maleva: Are you the proprietor?
Vazec, the Proprietor: I am. What do you beggars want?
Maleva: We just want to ask you, sir, about the Doctor Frankenstein.
Vazec, the Proprietor: Frankenstein? Don't mention that name around this town.

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Question: In the 1941 movie "The Wolfman", the poem about werewolves ends with "And the Autumn moon is bright." In this movie, why was it changed to "And the moon is full and bright"?

Answer: It was more folklore than an actual poem. As people verbally repeat fables, legends, and myths to others, the precise wording continually changes.


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