Scream 3
Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Gail and Dewey find the killer's voice changer, Gale's hands are clean, but when it shows her hands picking up the device, there's dried blood on them. But when it shows her hands again, the blood's gone. (01:16:05)

Scream 3 mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie when Cotton's girlfriend is being stalked by the killer, he stabs his knife through her bedroom door making a few large holes, especially with the first stab mark. Later, when Cotton finally gets to the house and is lookng for his girlfriend, he goes up to her door and there are now far smaller holes in the door, all in a nice pattern. When he smashes through the door, from the other side we can see there's no damage at all, then when his girlfriend emerges the stab marks are back, but in a different configuration. (00:07:35)

mandy gasson

Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Gale finds Roman in the coffin, there's no blood on Roman's elbow when the shot is closing in on the coffin. When Gale opens the coffin, the elbow is covered in blood. (01:17:40)


Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, after Dewey asks Gale to marry him, she lays one on Dewey. She leans to the left of his face when they start kissing, and at a cut away long shot she suddenly is kissing on the right... then the close up is back at the left. (01:44:30)

Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the actors, Gale and Dewey are hanging around in Jennifer's house, they realise a fax is coming through. When Jennifer first approaches the machine, notice that there is actually no paper in the machine. A few shots later, the paper supply has suddenly been replenished. (00:44:20)

Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Before Sidney pulls the killer out of the door on the house set, we see the bedside table is lengthwise against the wall. As the killer falls towards the bed it's turns 90 degrees, so the bed is a bit closer to the door. (01:05:45)

Jon Sandys

Scream 3 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Sarah tries to fix Roman's statue's head, her hair is over her face, when she goes to answer the phone her hair is pulled back behind her ear. (00:23:20)

Continuity mistake: When Sidney is first going into the house for the end of the movie it is clear that she is not wearing the vest underneath her clothes and as she is walking around or when she is rolling on the ground fighting with her half brother you see her bellybutton but then she has the vest on and it goes over the belly button.

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Roman: I'm gonna check this place out.
Tyson Fox: Woah, woah, just wait one damn minute! There's a psycho killer on the loose and you wanna go traipsing around this gigantic mansion? Have you ever actually seen the Stab movies? Every time this dude enters a room he ends up a god damn shishkabob.

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Trivia: Throughout the movie Sydney is still wearing the Greek Letters necklace that Derek gave her in Scream 2.

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Question: How does Roman find Sidney's info for the crisis hotline? We never see him use Dewey's phone and I don't think it's possible he attacked Neil because Sidney would've found out about it.

Answer: But Roman is in police custody when the call happens and Kincaid has Dewey's phone.

Answer: Just because we never see Roman use Dewey's phone does not mean that Roman could not have used it to trace Sid. Also just because we never see Roman attack Neil does not mean he didn't. Though the phone way is more likely.


They discuss who used Dewey's phone. He says only he and Kincaid used the phone.

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