Trivia: One of the early signs that Stu is one of the killers is during the scene when Ghostface attacks Sidney in her house. When Ghostface chases Sidney up the stairs to her room, you can just barely hear him gasp out the words "Easy, easy!" The next day, Stu says "Ow! Easy!" in response after Tatum smacks him in the head with her lollipop.
Trivia: The guy playing Sheriff Berk also played a very young police officer in A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Trivia: Matthew Lillard tried out for the role of Stu on a whim. His then-girlfriend was at a different audition in the same building. The casting director saw him and invited him to try.
Answer: This is according to IMDb: When Sidney comes out of the closet and stabs Billy with an umbrella, the stunt man was supposed to hit a pad on Skeet Ulrich's chest. The first hit got the pad but the second one slipped and hit him in the chest (you can see it in his reaction). Wes Craven kept it in because of its authenticity.
Shannon Jackson