The 6th Day

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film when the 2nd Adam runs and jumps onto the 1st Adam who's hanging onto the ladder on the remote control helicopter you can see the 2nd Adam is a stunt double making the jump, most visibly by his hair and face. (01:50:45)

Paul Andrews

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the film, Adam and his clone make a jump for the helicopter to escape the explosion. In one scene, you'll see Sport Jacket Adam holding the ladder to the helicopter with Leather Jacket Adam holding onto the legs of the first Adam. After a cutaway scene, you'll see these two have switched places (Leather jacket on ladder, Sport jacket on bottom). The next time you see them, they're switched back in the correct order. (01:52:30)

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Adam Gibson: I might be back.
RePet Salesman: You'll be back.


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Question: What was the whole point of killing and cloning the charter pilots in the first place? My first thought was that Decker wanted employees that were totally obedient and demanded no pay (after all, the clones would only have five years to live, and would then have to be cloned again), but considering that each cloning cost $1,3 million, it would be a lot cheaper and less risky to hire the pilots regularly. So why kill them?


Chosen answer: The company did not intend to kill and clone the pilots. The activist killed Drucker and Hank Morgan, they wanted to clone everyone that was killed so nobody would know it happened. The only reason they cloned Arnold was becasue they thought he was the pilot.


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