The 6th Day

Other mistake: When Arnold Schwarzenegger is falling into the river next to the dam it is so obvious that the stunt man is being lowered at high speed on a cable. Not only does he not gain speed whilst falling, he falls at a constant speed and can be seen almost swaying in the wind. (00:30:50)

Other mistake: When Adam lands his chopper on the rooftop, he shows his charter contract as proof he is supposed to be there. There is no information filled out for the dates on the contract.

Continuity mistake: In the car chase early in the film, we see Adam drive the Cadillac down a flight of stairs. A shot from the front show the car going over the top of the stairs, and as it bounces the lights going out. By the time we see the car again, the lights are full on. (00:28:25)

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Adam Gibson: Try to stay dead this time.


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Question: I thought I saw this movie with an alternate eye scene where Arnold had a number tattooed to his eyelid not a dot. Is that a different movie?

Answer: No. This is exactly the same movie. Underneath Arnold's eyelid is a small dot. The dot represents how many times his character was cloned.

Answer: In the film "Multiplicity", the clones have their number tattooed behind their ears.


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