The 6th Day

Continuity mistake: When Dr. Weir is about to show Adam the recording of Drucker's memory, we see him open the drive and put the disk in it; and then in the close-up shot, he does it again. (01:12:00)


Continuity mistake: When a shot of the city is shown from the air (near the beginning of the film), at the top of a building you can see the logo of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce - this is supposed to be set in America.

Continuity mistake: When Adam enters the building with the girl's thumb, he gives the cooler to the security guard who begins to remove the tape, then the shot cuts to a view of Adam across the desk and the tape is back up, then when it goes back to the POV of Adam looking at the guard, the tape is back up. (01:04:25)

Continuity mistake: After Arnold buys the Sim Pal doll and he's in the taxi going home, he tells the doll, "Go to sleep, Cindy...go to sleep." The doll stops talking and closes her eyes. When Arnold gets out of the taxi carrying the doll and walks up to his house, her eyes are open. (00:22:10)

Continuity mistake: When the Cadillac crashes through the neighbor's fence, it loses the rear driver side hubcap. Later, in a few shots of the tires, the hubcap is back on and then off again.


Continuity mistake: When Arnold sneaks into the building using the girl's finger, he opens the lid on his little cooler to get his gun out. He throws the lid on the ground, the camera angle changes, and the lid is back again, then the angle changes again, and the lid is gone again. (01:06:15)

Other mistake: When Adam lands his chopper on the rooftop, he shows his charter contract as proof he is supposed to be there. There is no information filled out for the dates on the contract.

Adam Gibson: Try to stay dead this time.


More quotes from The 6th Day

Question: I thought I saw this movie with an alternate eye scene where Arnold had a number tattooed to his eyelid not a dot. Is that a different movie?

Answer: No. This is exactly the same movie. Underneath Arnold's eyelid is a small dot. The dot represents how many times his character was cloned.

Answer: In the film "Multiplicity", the clones have their number tattooed behind their ears.


More questions & answers from The 6th Day

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