Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Revealing mistake: In many of the scenes taking place in outer space, if you look closely you can see polygon borders surrounding space vehicles (X-Wings, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star) indicating the objects being superimposed into the outer space background. [This mistake may only apply to the Blu Ray version.]


Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Luke is fighting on a skiff, he kicks one of Jabba's men in the head, causing him to fall off. Luke's foot doesn't make any contact with the person. (00:33:48)


Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Widescreen version only: After Luke cuts off Vader's hand, the Emperor says, "Now, fulfill your destiny, and take your father's place at my side." In the next shot, Luke's lightsaber blade goes through the railing, without damaging it. (01:49:15)

Revealing mistake: When Darth Vader lands on Endor there is a shot of him walking out of the shuttle, underneath the ramp there is slight black spot which probably marked the transition from studio set to matte painting. This was eliminated for the 4K release in 2019. (01:22:47)

Revealing mistake: When Luke is being fed to the Rancor, in Jabba the Hutt's dungeon, there are black outlines around the beast's legs, from the composite's blue screen special effect. This was edited out in the special edition rerelease.

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Suggested correction: This was not a "mistake". The outlines showing around the beast's leg were due to the limited CGI technology at the time the film was made. With advances in special effects in the following decades, the filmmakers were able to enhance the CGI quality in later releases.


But it is a mistake to show that the Rancor is not real, and the outlines show that. It's certainly not intentional.


Not sure what you mean that the rancor is not real. Of course it's not real. The issue is, at that time, it was not technically possible to show the beastie without the lines showing. I classify a mistake as something that was not intentional. In this case, it was, due to the limitations of CGI in the 1980s.


Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After the heroes get snared and surrounded by Ewoks on Endor, the Ewoks mistake C3PO for a god and start bowing. There is one Ewok which only has holes where the eyes and mouth are and you can see the eyes and mouth of the person inside the Ewok costume. (01:07:50)

Revealing mistake: The shots at the end of the movie with the emperor are obviously lit from the front. This exposed too much of the emperor's head inside the cowl so it was darkened to make him look more menacing. Look for the added shadow - it looks like someone took a black magic marker and coloured on the film. (This may be corrected on the re-release).

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Han is running from the explosion of the shield generator on Endor, you can see his reflection in the plexiglass that is used to protect the camera from the explosion. Since the reflection isn't of Han's back, the plexiglass must be in front of him. (01:49:55)

Revealing mistake: When Luke and Darth Vader are fighing in the emperor's throne room, they pass in front of a great window. The stars are blurred and they shake. (01:52:30)

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: When Han Solo lifts his hands up and he spots the Walker that Chewie and two Ewoks are in, one of his hands is transparent, and the trees are visible through his hand.

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Suggested correction: They are not transparent. What you are seeing is glare from the bright sky in the background. You can see other ghost images matching the bright white portions of the shot. Besides, there would be no reason for it to be transparent. It appears to be a fully on-location shot with no compositing.

Completely not true. You can see the trees through his hands; therefore, they are transparent.

Look closer. There is a white ghost image that matches the bright white sky, offset to the left and rotated slightly. And why would the hand be transparent? This is not a composite shot.

While it's not a composite shot, that would mean that the shot of the imperial officer yelling "freeze" in the original version wouldn't have been transparent. But it's not a composite shot too, therefore, they are transparent.


This comment makes no sense. What Imperial officer are you referring to and what does it have to do with this shot? And if this isn't a composite shot, which you seem to be admitting, why would the hand be transparent? Do you think Harrison Ford's hand actually became see-through?

Revealing mistake: When Admiral Piett says "I have orders from the emperor myself," the right edge of the matte can be seen on the right. Theater version only. This has been corrected on the 1997 special edition release.

Revealing mistake: (Original theatrical release) When the imperial officer yells "Freeze", he is transparent and you can see the reactor through him.

Mister Ed

Revealing mistake: In many far away shots of the sail barge you can see it is on a dune rather than in mid air.

Revealing mistake: When Luke jumps from Jabba's prisoner's skiff, you can see a stick supporting the "floating" skiff he jumps over to. (00:32:15)

Revealing mistake: When Luke is in his X-Wing preparing to make the jump to Dagobah, you can see the red text in the TV-type viewer in the cockpit has been superimposed as it remains stationary relative to the frame even when the cockpit is moving around.

Revealing mistake: During the speeder bike chase, the speeders never cast any shadows on the ground.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When 3PO and R2 are being assigned to their droidly duties in Jabba's palace, there is a shot of a poor droid having hot irons branding his feet. The irons are never closer than an inch from the droid's feet, and the steam that allegedly comes from the burning is obviously being shot out of holes in the droid's feet.

Revealing mistake: After Wicket tells the rebels where the secret entrance to the base is, there's a shot of spaceships flying in space. An X-Wing passes through the Millennium Falcon and another one through a Calamarian cruiser.

Dr Wilson

Revealing mistake: In many of the scenes taking place in outer space, if you look closely you can see polygon borders surrounding space vehicles (X-Wings, Star Destroyers, and even the Death Star) indicating the objects being superimposed into the outer space background. [This mistake may only apply to the Blu Ray version.]


More mistakes in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Darth Vader: Obi-Wan once thought as you do. You don't know the power of the dark side.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Trivia: When filming ROTJ, Lucas didn't want anyone to find out that they were shooting the third Star Wars movie, because pandemonium could break out. So when someone asked the crew what they were filming, they said "Blue Harvest". All of the crew had shirts and hats that said Blue Harvest on them. The fictitious film's tagline was "Horror beyond imagination."

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Question: Who is Luke talking about when he covers up his hand and says that he has a promise to keep to an old friend? Who is the old friend?

Tyler R

Answer: Yoda. When he was departing for Cloud City to save his friends in the previous film, he promised Yoda that he would return to Dagobah to complete his training.


OK. But I thought he was talking about the holeish thing in his hand since he covered it up when he said it. I must have misunderstood it.

The hole in Luke's robotic hand reminds him that he got that robotic hand in the first place because he lost his duel with Darth Vader at Cloud City - a confrontation Yoda warned him he was not ready for.


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