Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Deliberate mistake: The shots of the prisoner skiff during the transport to the Sarlacc Pit are reversed. This can, for example, be seen as Chewie's bandolier is on the wrong side, and that Han's shirt is overlaying the wrong way.

Deliberate mistake: When Luke is to be executed, Jabba says, "Put him in", and there's a shot of the prisoner's skiff. The shot has been flipped, seen from the positions of Lando and the guards, as well as the railing of the skiff.

Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Luke is fighting on a skiff, he kicks one of Jabba's men in the head, causing him to fall off. Luke's foot doesn't make any contact with the person. (00:33:48)


More mistakes in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Darth Vader: Obi-Wan once thought as you do. You don't know the power of the dark side.

More quotes from Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Trivia: When Oola the dancing girl (with those two things growing out of the back of her head) is trying to get away from Jabba, she briefly falls out of the top of her costume. It isn't as visible in the letterbox version, but quite visible in the regular version.

More trivia for Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi

Question: Who is Luke talking about when he covers up his hand and says that he has a promise to keep to an old friend? Who is the old friend?

Tyler R

Answer: Yoda. When he was departing for Cloud City to save his friends in the previous film, he promised Yoda that he would return to Dagobah to complete his training.


OK. But I thought he was talking about the holeish thing in his hand since he covered it up when he said it. I must have misunderstood it.

The hole in Luke's robotic hand reminds him that he got that robotic hand in the first place because he lost his duel with Darth Vader at Cloud City - a confrontation Yoda warned him he was not ready for.


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