Back to the Future

Continuity mistake: When Martly finishes his rambunctious guitar solo at the dance the camera pans the crowd. In the distance on the left we see Mr Strickland uncovering his ears. After this they show a close up of him uncovering his ears again. (01:25:55)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of BTTF they all pile into the DeLorean which reverses up to the camera where the matte box and what looks like the top of the cinematographer's head are reflected in the chrome number plate. (01:46:50)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the JVC recorder is first played, the screen on the TV is a blue colour. Later, when Doc is playing the Libyan part again and again, the screen seems to be a brownish colour. (00:50:10 - 01:05:40)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the scene where Marty and his band are rejected from the school tryouts, Jennifer and Marty are sitting down and a lady comes by and asks them for change to save the clock tower. After they attempt a kiss, Jennifer's dad calls for her from the car. In the background, an African-American man is standing looking in the window of a building, and then walking right. In the next shot, he has moved all the way to the left and is walking right. (00:10:30)

Continuity mistake: When Marty is filming the Doc in the parking lot, Doc says that he needs '1.21 gigawatts' to power the time machine. Marty then says 'Doc, you don't just walk into a store and buy plutonium.'. However, when Marty and the Doc of 1955 are listening to it on his TV, the Doc keeps talking after he says '...of electricity I need'. (00:26:35 - 00:53:05)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty is using the phone to call Doc while he is in the diner, his watch (which is on his left arm) starts beeping and the guy behind the counter gives him a strange look. Marty rips out the phone book page and asks the guy behind the counter where XXX Riverside Drive is. Marty is no longer wearing the watch which he just had on seconds earlier. (00:37:55)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In 1955, when George walks into his house, Marty thinks of Mystery Science Theatre and looks at the vanishing photograph, and at the dance, after George punches Biff and rescues Lorraine, again Marty looks at the vanishing photo. In these two close-ups the thumb holding the photo looks nothing like Marty's thumb/nail in other close-ups, such as when he powers up the amp at Doc Brown's at the start. (00:03:15 - 01:23:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Marty is riding his skateboard to school in the beginning, he waves to a driver and you can see his wearing a watch on his left hand. However, look at his left hand when he meets up with Jennifer, and you'll see that it's gone. (00:06:10 - 00:07:00)

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Suggested correction: There's a time-lapse directly before Marty arrives at school. There was plenty of time for him to remove the watch offscreen.

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the dance, when Marty arrives at the clock tower in Doc's car (across the street from the DeLorean), he parks precisely midway between the two stores. As the clock tolls, Marty jumps into the DeLorean, and in the overhead shot as Marty drives off, Doc's car is directly in front of the store with the blue awning. (01:31:20 - 01:36:00)

Super Grover

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doc points out that Einstein's watch is in sync with his, the LED display changes from being off in a wide shot to on in the closeup. (00:20:05)

Cubs Fan

Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty McFly is being chased around the town square by Biff and his buddies in the black convertible, an extra set of lights appear under the headlights on the car (goes from a 1946 Ford to a '47/'48). (01:06:45)

Continuity mistake: After Einstein comes back Doc Brown is demonstrating to Marty how to set the time machine. He simply pushes the buttons on a key pad. To set it for July 4, 1776 he punches 3 buttons. To set it for December 25, 0000 he punches 6 buttons. To set it for November 5, 1955 he punches 12 buttons. Later, when Marty is resetting the time machine to go back 10 minutes early he punches 7 buttons (all not including the ENTER button on the keypad). (00:23:50)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Einstein's time travels, when both flames cross Marty and Doc's legs, they cast no shadow, giving the feeling that they are floating, thus giving away the blue screen effect. (00:22:01)


Visible crew/equipment: When Marty arrives at the 1950's town and is about to be run over by a green car, the whole filming crew is reflected on its door. (00:35:40)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Doc is using a remote control to drive the DeLorean, they show a close-up of the controller. The controller's power meter (the dial with a needle in the middle) shows no power - it's right over to the left. How's he driving with no battery? (00:20:15)

Continuity mistake: When George and Marty are talking outside the diner and George opens Marty's coke bottle for him, George's hair is all stringy and hanging down in his face. But when it cuts to another angle, it's neatly combed over to one side. (01:03:10)


Deliberate mistake: The 45's advertised as new releases on the record store sign actually came out at different times throughout 1955. A true selection of new releases from early November 1955 would have most likely included minor hit singles that 80's moviegoers wouldn't have recognized. The songs listed were some of the biggest hits of that year and were obviously chosen for their ability to help set the musical tone of the time. (00:34:30)

Factual error: Video/audio output on the JVC camcorder (if it had any at all) would not be compatible with 1955 TV. if available the camcorder output would be composite, component or COAX - all would need some sort of adapter for the audio/video to work on the TV. COAX would be the simplest, but they would need to invent the 75 ohm to 300 ohm adapter.

Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph the instant the lightning strikes the tower... Everything will be fine.

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Back to the Future trivia picture

Trivia: Eric Stoltz was originally cast as Marty. After filming quite a few scenes they realised his acting style was too dramatic for the humor desired, so they cast Michael J Fox (who they couldn't originally get because he was busy with the TV show Family Ties). Filming was on weekends and nights around his TV schedule and using his double at other times.


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Question: How is Marty able to play a 1980s videotape on a 1950s television set? Is this just another example of Doc's ahead-of-his-time inventiveness?

Answer: The video camera was in the DeLorean. With the right kind of adapter, which was common enough in the 80s that Doc might've had it on the camera or been able to jury-rig something in the 50s, it would have been possible to connect it into the antenna screws in the back of the TV like an old Atari and play it directly from the camera.

Captain Defenestrator

TVs in the 50s had a two prong antennae connection (two screws in the back that you put a prong antennae into) TVs in the mid 80s also had this. The coax connection (the one wire that screws in) was starting to become common, but, the two prong connection would have been more likely on any given TV at the time, so, whatever wire they used to preview recordings probably had that. very convenient that Marty brought those cords with him.

An old Atari 2600 RF Adapter would be how one would link a video camera to an old-fashioned television. A simple-enough part that Doc could probably make one with 1950s technology.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Video tape system back then could output an NTSC video signal, just like broadcast at the time, and up to HD in the 2000s. Usually there was a switch on the video device to change the output frequency between channels 3 or 4. Depending on what was an open channel in your area.

Answer: Doc is smart and eccentric enough to probably have such a thing randomly rattling around in the Delorian as old burger wrappers would rattle around inside a normal car. And Marty could also conceivably have such a thing at his or Doc's domicile for his own video gaming convenience.


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