Back to the Future
Back to the Future mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: 1955 skateboard chase scene around town square. Note in this scene a metal device has been added between the kicktail and the back truck of the skateboard to create the sparks, then disappears and reappears throughout the whole chase scene. (01:03:40)

Paul Andrews

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Right before the white smoke shoots out of the time machine after Einstein arrives one minute in the future in the beginning of the film, you can see the 2 fire extinguishers built in to shoot out the "smoke". (00:23:40)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the DeLorean is struck by lightning near the end of the film, if you look closely, you can see that there are two people in the car, when it should just be Marty. You may have to look closely, but you don't need to zoom in to see it. Also, since they never re-shot this scene, you can see it in all three Back to the Future films. (01:40:40)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Marty is being chased by the terrorists, when he makes the 2nd turn, if you look closely at Marty it is obvious that it is not Michael J. Fox behind the DeLorean windshield, rather it's a stunt driver resembling the original Marty, Eric Stoltz, who was replaced early in filming. (00:30:45)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Marty is being chased on the skateboard in 1955 he skids rounds a corner and you can see that this scene had been shot before as there are skid marks there from previous takes. (01:03:20)

Revealing mistake: When Marty crosses the park in front of the court house and the camera pans around following Marty while showing the town, watch one of the buildings in the middle background. Part of the building is grey and has 2 windows and is supposed to have a slanted roof, but if you watch closely, it appears that building is in fact only a wall with nothing behind it. (00:34:40)

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Suggested correction: Nothing really specifies that the building is only a wall. It definitely could be, but since there are no camera angles showing the back or sides of the building, it's not really fair to call this a mistake.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: At the end, the DeLorean hits the left dustbin and comes to a halt - you can easily see that it's not Christopher Lloyd driving, it's someone with a much bigger build, wearing an awful white wig. Further, he isn't wearing sunglasses until he gets out of the car. (01:45:55)

Revealing mistake: When Doc starts up the DeLorean watch the remote when he says to Marty "not me, the car, the car." The counter is static at 00 but the car is moving. (00:19:40)

Paul Andrews

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the DeLorean is about to time travel for the first time, the fuel trails to achieve the following fire trails are already visible on the pavement. (00:22:00)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Biff and his gang are chasing after Marty in their car around the Courthouse Square, in the shots that takes place in the Courthouse yard, you can see that it's Biff's stunt double that's driving. (01:06:45)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Marty finds Doc's name in the phone book; when he sees the name, then runs his fingernail over to the phone number. Look closely at the phone book; it has several creases across the same place where Michael J. Fox ran his fingernail from previous takes. (00:36:15)

Revealing mistake: When Marty is skateboarding and being chased by Biff's car, Marty's stunt double is noticeable because his wig is bulkier and darker coloured than Marty's real hair. He looks just like the Trololo guy from Youtube. (01:40:50 - 01:41:25)


Revealing mistake: After Doc sends Einstein back in time, it shows fire trails on the pavement. Marty's leg is right in a (superimposed) flame, with no ill effects at all. (00:21:05)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Einstein's time travels, when both flames cross Marty and Doc's legs, they cast no shadow, giving the feeling that they are floating, thus giving away the blue screen effect. (00:22:01)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Doc is using a remote control to drive the DeLorean, they show a close-up of the controller. The controller's power meter (the dial with a needle in the middle) shows no power - it's right over to the left. How's he driving with no battery? (00:20:15)

Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: Right before Einstein is sent to the future, when a very bright light surrounds the DeLorean, not only is the dog gone, but a black bulky bag has appeared on the passenger's seat. Seemingly a hidden stunt driver or a driving mechanism. (00:21:56)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: As the DeLorean's tyres start igniting as it is about to travel back in time, the flames are not coming from the tyres, but from some ignitors attached to the car. (01:40:36)


Back to the Future mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When the DeLorean travels back in time after Marty returns to 1985, the light emitting from the DeLorean does not actually come from the DeLorean, but from the side of the screen instead. (01:44:16)


Revealing mistake: When Marty begins to slump down due to fading from existence look at the guy playing the piano behind Marty, he's not even pressing the keys on the piano just putting his palms on them repeatedly.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty chases after Biff on the borrowed 'skateboard', Marty is wearing a dark grey belt and a red/blue print shirt under his red/beige jacket. However, when Marty is hanging on to the front of Biff's car as they turn a corner (and in another shot), Marty (stunt double) is wearing a light brown belt and solid tan shirt. (01:07:00)

Super Grover

More mistakes in Back to the Future

Dr. Emmett Brown: Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph the instant the lightning strikes the tower... Everything will be fine.

More quotes from Back to the Future
Back to the Future trivia picture

Trivia: Eric Stoltz was originally cast as Marty. After filming quite a few scenes they realised his acting style was too dramatic for the humor desired, so they cast Michael J Fox (who they couldn't originally get because he was busy with the TV show Family Ties). Filming was on weekends and nights around his TV schedule and using his double at other times.


More trivia for Back to the Future

Question: What does the saying "Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here", mean?

Answer: It's a way of saying "scram" or "get lost." But Biff is so dim, he doesn't realize he's saying it wrong; the expression is "make like a tree and leaf", with the joke being that "leaf" is meant to sound like "leave."

Cubs Fan

More questions & answers from Back to the Future

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