Best movie mistakes of 2014

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Fury picture

Continuity mistake: Wardaddy raises his cigarette lighter to his cigarette twice while he speaks to Norman after the town has been taken. (00:51:30)


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Draft Day picture

Continuity mistake: The owner of the Cleveland Browns drives from NYC to the Teterboro Airport (12 miles from Midtown Manhattan), flies to Cleveland (450 air miles) and drives to the Browns facility (16 miles) in the time it takes the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th picks in the 1st round of the NFL draft to be made.

James T Hampton Jr.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel picture

Continuity mistake: Agatha's nightgown strap switches between hanging down on her arm, or being up on her shoulder, normally.

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Nightcrawler picture

Visible crew/equipment: As Jake approaches the house after the van drives off, it looks like a crew member got caught at the side of the house and moves back as Jake is taking camera footage. (01:03:25)

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The Book of Life picture

Continuity mistake: When Joaquin enter the bull fighting ring before Manolo's bull fight, Joaquin removes his cape and drops it on the ground. When Joaquin's horse gallops by and Joaquin grabs onto his steed, the cape is missing. (01:35:00)

John Ohman

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Brick Mansions picture

Factual error: The "brick mansions" are in Detroit, but when the surveillance satellite footage is shown, the initial, close-up skyline shown from above is of San Francisco. Then as it zooms out it's looking at Chicago. (01:04:00)

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Before I Go to Sleep picture

Plot hole: The whole movie plot relies on a very unlikely assumption: that the ex-husband would not visit Kidman at her mental institution where he put her in, nor call for any news at all, for four whole years... Even though divorced, they still share a common child! And what about the parents / siblings / extended family/ friends of Kidman? Would they also never visit for four whole years? If any one of them had, then they would have known the (fake) ex-husband had taken her out and would have called the real husband to get news. Then Kidman would have been reported as kidnapped.


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About Last Night picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end when Debbie and Danny get into a fight around 5am at their apartment, Debbie packs some things and goes over to Joan's apartment to mull it over with her. While they're talking with Joan in her robe, Joan's hair goes from being up in a hairband (not even visible out of the hairband) to her hair being down and styled with no hairband at all and then back to up to not visible in the hairband again.


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The Expendables 3 picture

Factual error: Their 'spot' for drinking is apparently in the French Quarter because of the street signs. That said, they are drinking Budvar beer. If you know about Budvar, it is the original Budweiser beer from the Czech Republic. Budweiser sued Budvar and won, preventing them from using the name 'Budweiser', even though Adolph Busch came up with 'Budweiser' after going to Pilsner, Czechoslovakia. Budweiser being the bully, and their lawyers and all, won the lawsuit. So now the beer is sold as 'Czechvar' in the US and 'Budvar' everywhere else, meaning they couldn't be drinking it in the USA.


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Mr. Peabody & Sherman picture

Continuity mistake: When the WABAC machine is going through the time vortex, trying to escape from the black hole, some tiles get sucked off the WABAC, but in the next shot they are back on.

TheLemmy Corp

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Kingsman: The Secret Service picture

Factual error: When the barracks are completely flooded, Eggsy uses his bare fist to punch through a large two-way mirror to escape. The fact is that any glass (or plexiglas) thick enough to contain hundreds (or thousands) of tons of water without bursting would be as impenetrable as concrete to Eggsy's bare fist. He would need a chisel-tipped jackhammer to penetrate such a mirror.

Charles Austin Miller

More Kingsman: The Secret Service mistakes
Unfriended picture Unfriended mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Blair asks Mitch "why aren't you answering me?" he says he got a weird message from Laura Barns. Blair replies "that's not funny" and Mitch replies "I'm serious." Then Blair gets a message from Laura, and when she switches back to Mitch's conversation, the last two entries, "that's not funny" and "I'm serious" have disappeared. (00:10:50 - 00:12:30)

Mike Walker

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The Equalizer picture

Factual error: In the big battle scene at the Home Mart store after Robert turns the power off to the building, you see Robert grabbing welding canisters. When Robert has Ralphie turn the power back on, it cuts to one of the bad guys in the break-room, and a digital microwave starts counting down. A digital microwave could not have any memory of any prior cook settings, let alone any way to set it, since the power was already out. (01:55:40 - 01:56:35)


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Transformers: Age of Extinction picture Transformers: Age of Extinction mistake picture Video

Visible crew/equipment: Just after Lockdown stabs Optimus in the chest with his own sword, Cade runs closer and shoots at Lockdown. He then hides behind some bricks. In that shot, the bricks are a broken wall that is two separate pieces. Then it cuts to a different shot as Lockdown returns fire at Cade, and now the wall is one piece. Not only this, but some random guy suddenly appears in the shot next to the wall and right where the explosion happens where Lockdown shot the wall. He is wearing the same color clothes as the wall and only visible for a moment. There was no other guy present until that moment and he just suddenly appears behind Cade and gets hit. It's presumably a special effects member setting off the charge in the wall by the looks of it and it detonated before he got out of the shot. (02:30:55)

Quantom X

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Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit picture

Factual error: Jack Ryan takes the enlisted oath, not the officer's oath, when commissioned into the Marines. (00:02:35)

More Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit mistakes
Dracula Untold picture

Plot hole: When Vlad enters Mehmed's tent, the entire floor is covered in silver coins and Mehmed remarks on Vlad's weakness to it. There's no way that Mehmed could have known about Vlad being a vampire or about his weakness to silver, as Vlad had killed every Turk after becoming a vampire, so nobody would be alive to tell him. Even the Turk found on the battlefield in the morning lived long enough only to deliver Vlad's message, but died immediately after that.

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Into the Woods picture

Continuity mistake: A couple of scenes after the baker's wife ripped off most of Rapunzel's hair, it has grown back to full length so that the prince can climb up to the tower on it.

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That Awkward Moment picture That Awkward Moment mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene where Zac Efron is talking to his girlfriend for the first time in the cafe, the reflection of her in the window does not match what she is doing in the scene. (00:25:30 - 00:25:35)

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The Other Woman picture

Continuity mistake: When Kate and Carly are leaving Carly's apartment building and Carly goes to hail a cab, Kate is wearing a cream cardigan over her blue and white outfit, standing by the curb holding the dog's leash. The scene cuts closer and Kate is not wearing the sweater at all. (00:31:55)

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Black Mountain Side picture

Revealing mistake: Throughout the film, the base station radio is not connected to an antenna. In many lengthy shots of the back of the radio we can see the power cord trailing out the back of the unit, but there is nothing plugged in to the antenna socket. This is especially annoying because base station radio problems are a key plot point.

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