Best sci-fi movie mistakes of all time

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Arachnophobia picture

Revealing mistake: When the scientists inject the mouse with poison, they put it in a jar. The, after they place it down you can see someone's hand swap the jar for one containing a dead mouse. You can even hear it. (01:17:58)

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Inception picture Inception mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ariadne wakes in the Snow Fortress and the floor goes from under her, we can see her gloves fall in to the crack but in a different camera shot of her we can see the gloves are now back near her head again. (02:12:20)


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Tarantula picture

Continuity mistake: Just before the giant tarantula attacks the house where heroine Mara Corday is studying, you can see several book on the library table at the big picture window. The largest book on the table keeps shifting positions in several scenes.

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Left Behind picture

Factual error: When TCAS sounds on an airliner, it should include instructions for the pilot to climb or descend. The pilot should not have to call another plane to inform that pilot. It would take too much time.


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Superman III picture

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Superman drops Gus off at the coal mine, Gus begins talking with the coal miners about him and Superman. He then rips open his shirt (as if he had a Superman costume on underneath). How did Gus know that Clark Kent tore his shirt like that in order to change into Superman, or keeps his suit under his clothes at all? The only people who know this fact are the ones who have seen the transformation from Clark to Superman, i.e. the audience.

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Iron Man 3 picture

Character mistake: When Harley asks Tony what the light is coming from his chest, Tony responds "an electromagnet." Harley replies "What does it power?" An electromagnet is not a source of power. The arc reactor is the power source which powers both the electromagnet (to keep Tony safe from the shrapnel near his heart) and the Iron Man suit. (00:43:25)

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Equilibrium picture

Factual error: When they first pick up the Mona Lisa, they show the back. There you can see a canvas sheet over a wooden framework. However, the Mona Lisa is painted directly onto wood, no canvas at all. The scan they run even says it's painted onto wood, despite visual evidence to the contrary. (00:06:35)


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Logan's Run picture

Continuity mistake: In most of the scenes it is quite evident that Jessica has only a thin green dress on; when she meets Box she takes it off and she is nude. Later when she is outside of the dome and walking through the woods, she ducks to avoid some brush and she now has underwear on.


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Robocop 2 picture

Continuity mistake: At the start of the movie when the gun store is being robbed, one of them fires a portable rocket launcher at the police car, causing it to roll over and spin. As it comes to a stop just outside the store, it's visible that the driver's side window has been blown out, and the vehicle interior is visible, however when the same guy prepares to fire the bazooka to finish it off, the window has returned and is completely intact.


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Sky High picture

Character mistake: In the scene where Steve and Josie prepare to leave to fight the giant robot at the beginning of the movie, Steve tells Will "Oh, Will, a reminder: a lot of the kids at Sky High will only have one super hero parent, not two." When he says "one super hero parent", he holds up two fingers. When he says "not two", he holds up only one finger.


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Shazam! picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning after the car skids on the road and stops on the left side there are trees and snow but not the road, however the truck hits them on that side.


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Airplane II: The Sequel picture

Other mistake: When McCroskey gets the information about Joe Seluchi, he's told that Seluchi purchased life insurance and was impotent. McCroskey informs Ted about Seluchi and the bomb he's carrying but nothing else. When Ted confronts Seluchi, he mentions both the insurance and the impotence.

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More Sharknado mistakes
Stargate picture Stargate mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Throughout the movie, in the shots of the guys on the alien planet, the white reflector screens and film crew's reflections are visible in their sunglasses. (00:40:20)

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Fantastic Voyage picture

Plot hole: Even if the white blood cells will attack and destroy the sub and the body of Doctor Michaels the atoms would still remain and take normal size after the critical 1 hour is up. This would also apply to the laser gun which they forgot or left behind on purpose, as well as several dozen litres of saline solution which were miniaturised and pumped into Benes' body. He's in a lot of trouble.

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More The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen mistakes
Spy Kids picture

Continuity mistake: When Juni handcuffs the metal box to his wrist, it switches back forth from his right wrist to his left over and over again. (00:35:05)

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The Truman Show picture

Factual error: When the bus breaks down, steam is shown coming out of the front of the bus. GMC buses have the engine and radiator in the rear.

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Star Trek: First Contact picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Picard, Worf and Hawk are outside the ship and want to separate the transmitter dish from the hull, Picard must move a kind of tube out of an console and must turn it from a low to a high position. In one shot the tube is in the high position, in the next shot it is in the low position and then Picard pulls it out and turns it in the high position. (01:06:40 - 01:10:35)

More Star Trek: First Contact mistakes
X-Men picture

Continuity mistake: When Wolverine crashes into the tree knocked over by Sabertooth, notice that the entire front of the truck gets completely folded up and the windshield breaks into a thousand pieces. In the next frame, Wolverine gets thrown through the unbroken windshield and the front of the truck is practically undamaged... (00:18:05)

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