Game of Thrones

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Question: Given that north of the Wall is snow and ice with mostly pine trees as vegetation, how do the thousands of Wildlings feed themselves? There are no crops and no game. The same for the Dothraki. How do they feed their thousands of horses in desert country?

Answer: There is game north of the wall. Mostly rabbits and dear. Where do you think they get all that fur? Also fish near the coast. As for the Dothraki, we see tall grass and other trees, that could provide food for both the Dothraki and their horses.


Answer: The Free Folk hunt and fish, which is why they own a lot of fur and pelts. The Dothraki do not live in a desert, they live in a grass sea of lush flat plains. Their city of Vaes Dothrak also allows foreign traders to sell them food and fodder. He Dothraki also engage in slavery, another economic avenue.

Chosen answer: Well Magic does come to mind. The White Walkers bring with them the winter. Because of this, the seasons are very unpredictable. "Winter Is Coming" refers to this.


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Question: Why were so many actors in this show recast? If the showrunners knew they would be using certain characters for multiple seasons, then why not lock them in long term?


Chosen answer: Considering the show was in production for nearly a decade, it is hardly surprising that many characters were recast. Actors constantly move on to other jobs, creating scheduling conflicts. Some may not want to be tied to one project for so long a period, particularly for relatively minor roles that paid little money. As some characters became more prominent, the producers did recast a few roles with better-known actors. For example, Max Von Sydow replaced the actor who originally played the Three-eyed Raven. Some actors voluntarily left for personal reasons. Jennifer Ehle was originally cast to play Catelyn Stark but dropped out because she'd recently given birth. Other actors claimed they were replaced for "political" reasons. Here is a website with a rundown of which actors were replaced and why:


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Question: Is Cersei Lannister based on Lady MacBeth and Agrippina the Younger? Both were ruthless and ambitious with Agrippina being the mother of Nero. Cersei, mother of Tommen Baratheon. She, on the show, pushed for her son to become king as did Agrippina, so was inspiration drawn from her and Lady MacBeth?


Answer: Thank you.


Answer: She appears to be a composite of many historical queens and fictional characters, including Lady MacBeth and also Queen Margaret of Anjou, who was married to King Henry VI of England.


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Mhysa - S3-E10

Joffrey: I am the king! I will punish you.
Tywin: Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king.


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Fire and Blood - S1-E10

Trivia: One of the severed heads on a spike is that of former president George W. Bush. Before shooting the scene, George RR Martin asked writers and producers David Benioff and D.B.Weis to have a cast of their 3 heads to be put on the spikes, but for budget reasons they opted to get a box from HBO's warehouse with used severed heads. They noted that one was Bush's, but they put a wig on it and got away with nobody noticing. In the Blu-Ray commentary the producers revealed the story, and got a lot of criticism from the right.


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