Game of Thrones
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The Last Of The Starks - S8-E4

Other mistake: During the scene in the banquet hall, as Tormund says "most people get bloody murdered, they stay that way", look at Daenerys in the background - a disposable coffee cup is on the table in front of her. This brown cup with a white plastic lid is nothing remotely like the style of cups they're all drinking from in the scene. HBO acknowledged the slip up and digitally edited it out on streaming services, reruns and future DVD releases.


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Suggested correction: That is correct, however there is actually a reason for this, it was just never adapted from the books. Stains burned the woods during battle of the black water as an offering to the lord of light.

That doesn't remove the hills though.


Game of Thrones mistake picture

The Iron Throne - S8-E6

Visible crew/equipment: When Bran joins Tyrion and the others at the small council meeting, Bran begins by saying that they appear to be missing a Master of Whisperers, then just as he says, "And a Master of Laws," the boom mic can be seen dipping into view over Bran, at the top of the screen (visible on Hulu). (01:11:00)

Super Grover

Game of Thrones mistake picture

You Win or You Die - S1-E7

Continuity mistake: When Jon and the others emerge onto the other side of the wall, there are 4 people with torches. Pay attention to the one at the back on the screen left. He has his torch in his left hand in this shot, but as the shot changes to the front he now has his torch in his right hand. (00:44:30)


Game of Thrones mistake picture

Winter Is Coming - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: When Ned executes the deserter, the wide leather straps of Ned's cloak are crisscrossed with his left over his right. But when Ned walks over to Bran, the straps are now crisscrossed the opposite way. Not due to flipped shots.

Super Grover

Game of Thrones trivia picture Video

Fire and Blood - S1-E10

Trivia: One of the severed heads on a spike is that of former president George W. Bush. Before shooting the scene, George RR Martin asked writers and producers David Benioff and D.B.Weis to have a cast of their 3 heads to be put on the spikes, but for budget reasons they opted to get a box from HBO's warehouse with used severed heads. They noted that one was Bush's, but they put a wig on it and got away with nobody noticing. In the Blu-Ray commentary the producers revealed the story, and got a lot of criticism from the right.


Game of Thrones mistake picture

Winter Is Coming - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Ser Jorah has just given Daenerys 3 books as her wedding present. As she takes them, their spines are pointing towards her right side. Cut to the next shot, as Jorah informs her that he served her father, the spines are now pointing towards her left side. (00:50:45)


Game of Thrones mistake picture

Dark Wings, Dark Words - S3-E2

Continuity mistake: When Brienne of Tarth is facing off against Jaime Lannister on the bridge, in a shot from behind the blade is angled upwards, not touching her arm, then in the immediate next shot from the front the blade is now lying along her arm.

Game of Thrones mistake picture

Walk of Punishment - S3-E3

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the episode, Robb and Blackfish Tully are pushing Hoster Tully's funeral boat down the river. When they climb back onto the dock, there is already a trail of water going from the steps and ending where Robb ends up standing. None of the other characters standing on this portion of the dock have wet clothes, meaning none of them went into the river, indicating that the trail of water was from previous takes.


Game of Thrones mistake picture

Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken - S5-E6

Continuity mistake: When the Sand Snakes attempt to kidnap Myrcella, as Nymeria Sand runs up to Myrcella to seize her, she is holding her large whip in her right hand. However, in the very next shot, the whip has disappeared, and Nymeria is now holding a dagger in her hand instead.


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The Pointy End - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: Catelyn confronts her sister about the raven's message that arrived at dawn. When she does, the roll of paper is rolled completely differently between the 2 camera angles. (00:16:05)


Game of Thrones mistake picture

Winter Is Coming - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: Khal Drogo has just lifted Daenerys onto her horse after their wedding celebration. Her hair is behind both shoulders. In the immediate next shot, her hair has now moved in front. (00:55:00)


Game of Thrones mistake picture

The Iron Throne - S8-E6

Continuity mistake: When Dany dies, the blood trails coming from her mouth and nose are pale in some shots and dark in others. They also appear to change position slightly, but that might just be the camera angle.

Game of Thrones mistake picture

The Mountain and the Viper - S4-E8

Continuity mistake: When Oberyn first tells Gregor that he will make him confess to raping and killing his sister Elia and her children, he is holding his spear with both hands. In the next shot, he's holding it with just one hand.

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Mhysa - S3-E10

Joffrey: I am the king! I will punish you.
Tywin: Any man who must say "I am the king" is no true king.


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Season 1 generally

Question: After watching the show and reading the first book, I can't figure out why people hate Jaime for killing King Aerys. Aerys is referred to as the "Mad King" and more than one person talks about his sick deeds. Even Ned doesn't seem to approve of Jaime's actions, yet Aerys killed his father and brother. Even if Jaime did have a duty to guard the king, didn't he actually do everyone a favor by killing Aerys?

Answer: Basically it's because he broke his vow. A member of the Kingsguard is sworn to protect the king at all costs. Jaime elaborates more on the deed to both Catelyn Stark and Brienne of Tarth, telling Catelyn that no matter what course of action he took, he would be breaking one vow or another (i.e. if he obeyed the king, he would conversely be disobeying his own father), and telling Brienne that the Mad King was planning on burning all of King's Landing, but he did not bother to tell Ned Stark that. Ned Stark felt that killing Aerys was dishonorable and excessive. Robert Baratheon still could have usurped the throne without Aerys being killed.


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