Revealing mistake: After Gage gets bitten by the rattler, when the driver of Tractor 2 begins ascending the cliff, there is a nice close-up as he passes and this young stuntie is most certainly not the older driver seen in this scene. Not to mention the watchless driver suddenly acquires a black watch and a plastic face shield attached to the helmet.
Revealing mistake: In many of Dixie's close-ups the use of the soft focus lens is rather apparent. This could be an acceptable directorial decision, were it not for the fact that in some shots where there's movement (of a hand, for example) that passes through the corners of the shot, the thick 'hazy cloud' is blatantly visible and quite distracting.
Revealing mistake: At the studio, in the overhead shot just as the squad is about to reach the building where Johnny will be testing Wally's equipment, the 'Black Tower', which houses Universal's executive offices, is visible in the background, and then in the roof shots when each of the guys repels down individually, the Sheraton-Universal is visible in the background.

Revealing mistake: During the rescue at the jail, while Roy tries to get a safety belt around the prisoner's waist, the man freaks out, then grabs Roy and they both swing out on Roy's safety line. When the camera pans a bit too far to the left, we can see the edge of the fake "sky" screen on the left, behind the building's replica set used for closeups.
Revealing mistake: While the squad and engine are en route to "possible fire", one of the camera angles is from the POV behind Roy and John, where the back of squad is located. That’s fine, but the problem is that there's bright sunlight on their backs as they’re driving, when it should not be there. Artistic license is acceptable, but with so much sunlight where it should not be it reveals that Squad 51 is not in its normal state.
Revealing mistake: When Dixie's in the basement asking Gary why the lab is still backed up, the next shot shows the plumber working in the cabinet under the sink, but when it cuts to the next shot the plumber is gone, his tool box is closed, things are different/missing from the counters, and the tables and stools have been turned over with a mess all around, before the explosion even occurs.
Revealing mistake: At the structure fire at an abandoned building, when Engine 164 arrives we see that it has distinctive markings beside the driver's side door and tire rim. When Engine 72 arrives the same markings are in the same place, revealing that it's the same engine and they used different magnetic number decals for the engine.
Revealing mistake: On the way to the basketball game against 16, when all the guys are pushing Chet's station wagon down the street, it's Kevin Tighe's double who is pushing the car, and he looks nothing like Kevin.
Revealing mistake: When the woman from the car accident is in the ER, she goes into V-fib, so Brackett, Morton, Roy and Johnny work on her and defib four times without success, and as we hear the hum of the flatlining, the camera pans to the left just low enough so that we can see her lying on the gurney, with her blue shirt still buttoned up.
How Green Was My Thumb? - S3-E17
Revealing mistake: When Roy brings in the man with the laryngeal obstruction (partial dental plate), Morton and Early meet them at receiving, then as they rush the stretcher into treatment 1, it's amusing to note that the treatment room across the hall (treatment 2) has room number 412 on it, and even better, treatment 1 itself has number 411 on its door. Obviously the set was prepped for the following shots, when Johnny follows the nurse onto the 4th floor.
Revealing mistake: When Cindy and her mother come to see the station, Cindy goes to the closet with the gear, and as she opens the door Cindy starts laughing before Johnny even gets hit by the phantom, and then she glances toward the camera grinning because of the prank.
Revealing mistake: When the guys are in the backyard with the woman who fell through the ground into an old abandoned well, in the overhead shot we can see the cuts that created the cutout hole on the flat surface around her, and that it's not really dirt or sand that she's slipping through.
The Promise - S3-E11
Revealing mistake: When Richard jumps out of the 6th floor window, in the interior shot we see that he lands right at the base of the window's frame, as his body bounces back from the impact, but when Brackett looks out the window Richard is lying on the ledge, which is much farther down than the window's bottom frame.
Revealing mistake: During the fire at the apartment complex, there are strips of black material nailed to the tops of windows where the FX fire shoots out from below, and the doorway Roy passes when he's pulling on the hose has a fake ceiling and wall nailed directly into the door jamb, to control the strip of FX fire at the side.
Revealing mistake: At the apartment complex fire, just as Chet climbs the ladder and Marco holds the top of the ladder on the second floor balcony, we see the plumes of FX smoke spurting from the side inside the doorway behind them, and even see something quickly fanning the smoke.
Revealing mistake: When Station 51 responds to the traffic accident, after Captain Stanley hands Johnny the Ajax tool, in the closeup it's obvious that the hands are not really Johnny's. Then there's another shot of the real Johnny, but once he removes his goggles, interestingly it's the stunt double who's in the following shots by the car, even when Johnny cuts himself, it's the stunt double.

Revealing mistake: At the start of the episode, in the closeup shot of Chet, Roy, and Johnny as they're talking about their trip, we can see the Land Rover hood's base plate where the vehicle's spare tire is supposed to be mounted, but the tire isn't there because of the mounted camera facing the actors in the vehicle. In other shots the spare tire is properly mounted on the Land Rover's hood.
Revealing mistake: When Johnny, Roy, Vince, and the wounded officer are hiding between the bakery truck and car, before the multiple bullet holes actually appear on the side of the truck, those areas where the holes will show up have off-color markings, prepared for the stunt.
Nurse's Wild - S1-E7
Revealing mistake: When Gage and DeSoto are on scene with the unconscious woman and a dog, they break the front window of the house. In the interior shot as DeSoto climbs through the window, there is a white wall beside the window outside, which blocks the view of the "outside." That wall does not exist in the exterior shots. The same thing happens when Gage opens the front door.
Involvement - S5-E19
Revealing mistake: The former head nurse is supposed to be unconscious when she's picked up from the couch. Yet she puts her hand up on a shoulder when being carried out.
Answer: I believe you are speaking of the old man, Mr. Wilson. He's played by J. Pat O'Malley.
Correct, it was J. Pat O'Malley...he also played the grandfather with his grandson when their rocket exploded, and also played "Old Bill" in the episode with Ann Prentiss, where Gage saves the little girl from the burning tree house, and her mother falls in love with him.