Archie Bunker: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but you are one dumb Polack.
Mike Stivic: In today's society, people throw things out because they don't work.
Archie Bunker: Well you don't work, maybe we should throw you out.
Archie Bunker: You're a regular Edgar Allen Polack.
Archie Bunker: We was like two ships that clashed in the night.
Gloria: Do you know that sixty percent of all deaths in America are caused by guns?
Archie Bunker: Would it make you feel any better, little girl, if they was pushed out of windows?
George Jefferson: If he's gonna have the last laugh, I'm gonna have it first.
Archie Bunker: Everyone I like stays the hell away from me.
Archie Bunker: I tell ya, Edith, when a plumber's business goes into the toilet you're sitting pretty.
Edith Bunker: Mike is family.
Archie Bunker: Gloria is family. What's standing behind me is an accident of marriage.
Archie Bunker: You worse than that hebe congressman Sam Irving.
Archie Bunker: Say there, Rosemarie.
Stephanie: Stephanie.
Archie Bunker: Whatever.
Mike Stivic: You eat my heart out. Little by little, bit by bit, you eat my heart out.
Archie Bunker: I don't care.
Archie Bunker: In my bed I stay, 'til death us do part.
Mike Stivic: I'll drive a truck, pump gas, collect garbage.
Archie: Bingo. Start collecting the garbage off the table.
Archie: Your honor, may I encroach the bench?
Archie Bunker: She ain't gonna saying nothing more because the smoke has given her an attack of, what do you call, laryngosis.
Archie Bunker: I got bigger fish to fly.
Mike Stivic: I just thank God I'm an atheist.
Archie Bunker: God can do anything! He can turn your jawbone into an ass.
Archie Bunker: You'd better start mixing toothpaste with your shampoo. You're getting a cavity in your brain.
Answer: Yes, Gloria and Michael have friends, but when they got married they decided it was best to live *rent free* with Edith and Archie, while Mike was going to college. Living with friends rent free, for quite a few years, is not an easy thing no matter how close the friends are with them. Since the Stivics needed their money to pay for the tuition and its other costs, their living arrangement made it all easier to deal with. Hence the Archie and Mike scenarios.
Super Grover ★