Grounded for Life
Movie Quote Quiz

Henry Finnerty: Wow, that ride must be really scary. Those two guys are holding hands.
James "Jimmy" Finnerty: That's the line for cotton candy.

Sean: Only three more years.
Claudia: 'Till she goes off to college?
Sean: Nope. 'Till she can be tried as an adult.

Claudia: You were ambushed by elves?
Sean: Yeah, yeah. Santa's elves. The fat bastard sicked them on me.
Claudia: But your dad is Santa.
Sean: Yeah, and he's a fat bastard.

Sean: Is that Aunt Marie? Tell her I still have that awful hair that makes me look like a drug dealer.

Walt: Three juice boxes for six kids? It's gonna be like Lord of the Flies out there.

All Apologies - S4-E15

Continuity mistake: During the scene with the family in the living room and Claudia and Lily are sitting on the covered couch, the sheet falls off the top of the couch. In subsequent shots the sheet falls off and goes back on the top through the whole scene.


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Take It to the Limit - S2-E13

Question: I don't understand Lily's nervousness about impressing Dean in this episode - almost as if they have never been on a date. She already referred to him as her "boyfriend" in "Smoke on the Daughter", and they arranged a date in that episode. And he has been in her bedroom and brought her a Christmas present ("I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Claus"). Why does this episode suddenly make it seem like they have never been on a date?

Answer: "Take It to the Limit", while aired as the 13th episode, was the 7th episode produced for the 2nd season (production code 207). "Smoke on the Daughter" was the 8th episode (208) and "I Saw Daddy Hitting Santa Clause" was the 10th episode (210) produced. Often shows air episodes out of production order for various reasons. If they had aired 210 in order, it would have aired on Jan 23rd instead of Dec 19th, hardly a good time to air a Christmas themed episode.


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