Will Smith: Yo, Carlton.
Carlton Banks: Yeah?
Will Smith: Those cops were just doing their jobs?
Carlton Banks: Will, don't get all bent out of shape.
Will Smith: Man, you ain't learn nothing this weekend, did you?
Carlton Banks: I most certainly did. Always bring a map.
Will Smith: What?
Carlton Banks: If we would have had a map, we wouldn't have had to drive two miles an hour trying to find a freeway entrance and we wouldn't have been stopped.
Will Smith: Oh, OK, OK. I get it now. We were stopped because we were driving too slow. Yeah, we were breaking the slowness limit. Oh, OK, well you see, I've never heard of that law before, but I did hear this other law. It's called the "if you see a black guy driving anything but a burnt-out Pinto, you better stop him because he stole it" law. Yeah, I've heard that one. Oh, but see, I thought it was the black guy law when in actuality, it was the slowness limit law. Oh, thank you for sharing that with me, Carlton. Good night.
Janet Hubert plays Vivian Banks, mother of Hilary Banks (Karyn Parsons). In real life, Hubert is only 10 years older than Parsons.
Answer: He's coming back from his vacation in Philadelphia.