The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990)

2 quotes from Bang the Drum, Ashley

(5 votes)

72 Hours - S1-E23

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Will tells Vivian and Phil that Carlton is in Compton, Vivian takes off her earring from her right ear. A few shots of Will pass and when she goes to take off her other earring, the left ear doesn't have one, and the earring is on the right ear again.

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More trivia for The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince Project - S1-E1

Question: Why did Philip think Will deliberately embarrassed him during the dinner party? Will spent his whole life in Philly and even though he knew how to act and behave around people from his own neighborhood, it was his first time in Bel-Air and had no knowledge of how others lived or how they interacted with each other.

Answer: He believed he was asserting his independence and individuality, not giving in to the conformist rich society. Movie quote, "I don't act this way to change the world. I act this way, so the godamn world doesn't change me."

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