Corrected entry: Peg goes dancing with Marcy. She meets Andy, who is gay and married. His husband shows up at Al's house telling him about Andy always being with Peg at the dance hall. Peg tells Andy her name is "Lola" though. So how did the husband know to go to Al's house and say, Are you Al Bundy? He has no clue of Peg's real name, let alone where she lives.
Correction: This correction makes no sense. Andy has never been to Peg's house. He doesn't even know her real name. There's no way his husband knew Al was Peg's husband at all. This entry shouldn't be corrected.
What part didn't make sense? I never stated Andy went to Peg's house. And I said Andy still thinks Peg's name is Lola.
Correction: While Andy might not know Peg's real name, Pete (Andy's husband) says he's been following Andy every Tuesday and Thursday (so this has been going on for a while) to see where he goes and finds him dancing (with Al's wife). We know Pete follows Andy to see where he goes so he could easily follow Peg to where she lives. There's a number of ways for Pete to find out who lives there (ask a neighbor, looked at the mail, etc.) Andy still thinks Peg is Lola, and single, because he's not following her.