The Trouble With Tribbles - S2-E15
Continuity mistake: During the scene when the Klingon agent is exposed by the Tribbles, Kirk first holds the two furballs as if they had a handle on the underside (probably for the parts to make them wriggle). As he turns to Spock (the wide-angle shot), he holds the Tribbles cupped in his hands, his thumbs supporting their flanks. But as Kirk approaches Spock (close-up), he has them 'by the handle' again.
Continuity mistake: While Flavius guides Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to the city to find Merik, the foursome stop behind a group of trees. In the first wide shot, as Flavius explains they'll wait until dark, there are no red marks on the tree trunks, but in their closeups there are a few red marks (presumably from squibs), before the gunfire has even occurred. At the start of the second wide shot the tree trunks are still void of those marks, and when the police shoot at them that's when the red marks appear. (00:15:15)
The Immunity Syndrome - S2-E18
Continuity mistake: When McCoy escorts Spock to the shuttlecraft hangar McCoy is wearing his short-sleeved medical tunic, but when Spock suggests that the doctor could wish him luck, in the next closeup McCoy is wearing his long-sleeved uniform. (00:29:40)

Continuity mistake: When Kirk's arrow hits Kras it protrudes from his leg, but in the next wideshot as Kras screams and stumbles the arrow is quite gone from his leg, but three shots later the arrow is back in his leg while he tries to pull it out. (00:43:40)
Continuity mistake: As Gary Seven beams in, Scotty's hair changes between shots.
Continuity mistake: When Mr Hengist goes on the rampage in the hearing room, Kirk pushes Yeoman Tankris behind him. However, when we see Kirk punching Mr Hengist in the jaw in the next shot, Tankris is missing, and in the shot after that, she is back again.
Continuity mistake: When Nomad first appears on the bridge, the indicator light on Scott's communicator panel is on. A second later, it's off, and he turns it on to say his line.
Continuity mistake: As Decker is talking about the Planet Killer, the camera looks at McCoy. His left eyebrow is slightly arched, and his hair is styled differently. It can be seen that this shot is reversed from normal.
Continuity mistake: After Spock talks about Sun Worship on the bridge, Uhura goes to correct him. As she's sitting at her console, her arm is covering the note board. When the angle changes to include her, Kirk, Spock and McCoy, her arm is above the note board. Back to a close up, and her arm's covering it again.
Continuity mistake: When Kirk, Bones and Spock are commanded to stop, and raise their hands, they do so. After a moment, Kirk starts to lower his hands. After the camera cuts to a shot from behind, Kirk's hands are by his sides and he goes for his phaser. After another warning shot, he says "I think he means it." The camera goes back to facing them, and his hands are up again.
Continuity mistake: After Gary turns on the typewriter and tells Roberta to give her report but not with her fingers, she responds, "Well, how do you expect me to type, with my nose?" But the typewriter types, "How do you expect me to type, with my nose?" omitting the "Well." It didn't edit her question, because we see from the rest of the scene that it types absolutely every word she says until Gary turns it off. (00:17:45)
Continuity mistake: Kirk is talking to Scotty on his monitor, after they have finished talking Kirk goes to switch off the monitor by pressing the button just below it. If you watch very closely you will notice Mr Scotts image fades from the screen before Kirk even touches the button. (00:07:05)
Continuity mistake: During the fight with the Andorian Kirk was stabbed in his lower kidney region, he even holds his hand there to stop the bleeding. In sickbay later on, he has a bandage around his chest and McCoy says he has a punctured lung. (00:28:30)
Continuity mistake: When Sylvia angrily upbraids Korob for talking too much, an inserted reaction close-up of him makes the table and chairs change from in front of him to behind him and back between shots. (00:27:15)
Continuity mistake: Just before Kirk kicks his attacker for the final time during the fight in the corridor, the Andorian picks the knife up off the deck with his left hand. In the very next shot, the knife has instantly switched to his right hand. (00:28:30)
The Gamesters of Triskelion - S2-E16
Continuity mistake: The Providers' representative colors on the game platform and the thralls' collars (all three colors are on Galt's collar) are red, yellow and blue. But when Kirk appears before them, the Providers themselves are red, yellow and green, and so is the gaming symbol inside their glass bubble. (00:40:00)
Continuity mistake: The ID cards Kirk puts into the computer to verify their identity appear/disappear in close/long shots.
Continuity mistake: The Romulan vessels fire plasma weapons (as seen in "Balance of Terror"), but when they hit the Enterprise they become photon torpedoes.
Continuity mistake: Near the end, when Cloud William opens "The Book," the red bookmark ribbon isn't in the spot he turns to, until the close-up of the page, when it suddenly appears there. (00:39:15)
Continuity mistake: Before the Capellans reach him, the Klingon's body moves into a completely different position, and to a different spot on the ground, than it was in when he first fell. (00:46:10)
Answer: Kirk was getting his physical and Dr. McCoy probably turned off communications, because if he hadn't, Kirk would have left and headed straight for the bridge, leaving McCoy irritated.