Question: Does Tim Freeman do the voice-over for the new Vauxhall Zafira advert with the two small boys, currently showing on British TV?
Question: In the extras from series one everyone finds Keith eating the scotch egg hilarious but I just don't understand the joke. Please help.
Answer: It's because he keeps doing it, like clockwork, on exactly the same line and he has such a blank, serious expression on his face that Tim (Martin Freeman) can't help but laugh.
Question: If David Brent is such a poor unresponsible boss and no good at his job as he is portrayed, then how did he get into such a good position of being a branch manager in charge of so many staff?
Answer: In the Christmas specials, David states the documentary crew stitched him up. In other words, he was made to look like an idiot by the way it was put together, but in actuality, he may not have been as bad as the documentary had made out. In addition, it's clear he let his upcoming celebrity status get to his head, something that would not have happened prior to the documentary crew's arrival. At the end of series 1, he mentioned one of his achievements was cutting expenditure without losing any staff.
Chosen answer: This is known as The Peter Principle - the theory that employees within an organization will advance to their highest level of competence and then be promoted to and remain at a level at which they are incompetent.
Chosen answer: Yes, though the actor's name is Martin Freeman who plays the character of Tim in The Office.