Alex P. Keaton: Mallory, someone stupid called... sometime today... about something trivial.
Mallory Keaton: Alex you know that could be any one of my friends.
Alex P. Keaton: Remember when we were kids and I ran you over with my bicycle?
Erwin 'Skippy' Handleman: Yes.
Alex P. Keaton: I have a car now.
Mallory Keaton: Mom, I need to reevaluate my life. Do you have a minute?
Andrew Keaton: Alex is reading me "Robin Hood," where he robs from the poor and gives to the rich.
Steven Keaton: That's not Robin Hood, that's Ronald Reagan.
Elyse Keaton: Don't you remember? We said we were going to be creative this year and make gifts instead of spending a lot of money Christmas shopping.
Steven Keaton: Well, I know we said it, I just didn't know we meant it.
Alex P. Keaton: People who have money don't need people.
Andrew Keaton: Alex is King.
Alex P. Keaton: It's just like taking candy from a baby.
Jennifer Keaton: Brings back memories.
Steven Keaton: Alex destroyed all of them when he was two, he found them politically offensive.
Alex P. Keaton: You have no proof that was me.
Elyse Keaton: We found your rattle on the shelf in the bookcase.
Alex P. Keaton: It could have been some other babies rattle.
Elyse Keaton: It was your Nixon rattle.
Answer: A scene very similar to the one described happened on the show Mr. Belvedere that was on in the same time frame as when Family Ties was on. Perhaps this is what you are remembering.
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