Easter egg: Highlight 'Play episode' then press Left. This will highlight the monkey, now press OK. This will take you to a "The class of Futurama" poster.
Easter egg: (This easter egg is 2 for the price of 1.) On Disc 1 of Season 3, go into the 'A Tale of Two Santas' menu. Press right to highlight the picture. Press enter to listen to the table read for this episode. Also, you can highlight the picture then press up to highlight Santa's hat. Press enter here to view a Christmas message from the executive producer.
Easter egg: This egg is on every disc of the Season 3 DVD box set. At the very beginning of each disc, after the legal stuff has finished, there is a lot of alien writing. When this appears, enter the number '35' for a translation.
Easter egg: Click up to highlight the bender bomb detonator and then press enter.
Amazon Women in the Mood - S3-E5
Easter egg: On the episode menu, there will be a choice of the usual "Play", "Special features", etc. On the left of these options you will see a picture from this episode. Press left and it will be highlighted. If you then press enter you will go onto an easter egg showing the rejected gags beneath "Futurama" in the opening credits.
Answer: The initial number is 0101100101 = 357. When reflected in a mirror, however, it reads 1010011010 = 666 (the number of the Beast). It is a parody of The Shining, where the words Red Rum are seen as the word murder in the mirror.
Sierra1 ★