Corrected entry: When the social worker is feeling for a wedding ring on JD'S hand,she is feeling his right hand.not his left,where most married people would wear it.
Corrected entry: When you see the hospital social worker slip just before the starting credits, it is clue she is a brunette. Yet at the end when she is coming out of the MRI scan, you can see the bottom of her hair which is very blonde.
Correction: The lighting can make her brown hair look blonde. Alex, the girl in the MRI scan, is always played by Elizabeth Bogush, including in that shot. Furthermore, you can see the rest of that shot in the following episode and her hair is most definitely brown.
Corrected entry: In the first episode, JD pronounces a man dead at 0200, indicating that the hospital uses 24 hour time. But in this episode, Elliot pronounces the man dead at 1155. 1155 in 24 hour time refers to 11:55 AM but the time is actually 11:55PM, so Elliot should have said 2355.
Correction: It could be the person's personal preference. Also, whoever's writing it down could record it correctly if that was a problem.
Correction: It's not unreasonable to think she might not realise it's the wrong hand as she can't see it and it was just a way to let JD know she's interested in him.