
Old Flames - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: In the opening scene when Norm is talking and he says "we caught a little movie this afternoon," he starts to take a drink from his beer, the shot cuts to behind him and he is still drinking. Then the shot changes - his mug is sitting in front of him, and he starts to take a drink. (00:00:40)


Get Your Kicks on Route 666 - S10-E2

Continuity mistake: When Frasier is sitting at the bar talking about the trip he is going to take, Cliff walks over and sits down. There is a beer sitting in front of him - he pushes it forward and Sam moves it. The shot changes and the beer is back where Cliff had first moved it, and he is holding his own beer. For the rest of the scene his beer keeps appearing and disappearing while the other one keeps changing position.


Bad Neighbor Sam - S9-E10

Continuity mistake: When Sam puts the paper from John on the bar it is next to a bowl, the next time we see it there is now more space between the bowl and the paper. Part of the paper is in the air, then the next shot when Sam picks up the paper it is lying flat on the bar.


Woody: What's shakin', Mr. Peterson?
Norm: All four cheeks and a couple of chins.

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Trivia: The portrait of Geronimo hanging in the bar was a tribute to Nicholas Colasanto after he died. The portrait originally hung in his dressing room.

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One for the Road (1) - S11-E26

Question: Is it true they wanted to get Glenn Close to make a cameo as Vera Peterson in the last episode? I swear I saw photos in an entertainment mag of her filming a scene for the final episode, with the joke being Norm's long-insulted wife was actually very beautiful and classy.

Brian Katcher

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