Star Trek: The Next Generation

Haven - S1-E11

Audio problem: When Riker leaves Deanna and Wyatt at the holodeck you hear the door. You don't hear it a minute ago, when Wyatt enters the holodeck - he just appears. (00:27:30 - 00:28:15)

Haven - S1-E11

Other mistake: When Deanna's mother arrives on the Enterprise, the sound of the transporter activating is heard. But the transporter technician is seen behind Picard and Deanna, and he remains standing by the wall with his arms behind his back. (00:09:00)

Cubs Fan

Qpid - S4-E20

Worf: Captain, I must protest. I am not a merry man.

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Answer: He brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant and showed them that it was full of worlds waiting to be assimilated. Guinan's homeworld was their first stop, and they assimilated everyone and took over the planet, leaving The Survivors of her race without a home. Q is ultimately responsible for that.

Captain Defenestrator

By the time Q takes the Enterprise to meet the Borg, Guinan already knew who they were and they had already destroyed her world. Therefore the above answer can not be right. I believe Guinan is much more than she appears, and her people have had encounters with the Q in the past. It is these interactions, that obviously were not pleasant, that fuels her distrust.


That's what the above answer is saying. Q brought the Borg to the Alpha Quadrant (not Earth) and the Borg destroyed Guinan's home world in the late 2200's, which is why she hates Q. Although she met Q in 2160 and they both saw each other as enemies right away.


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