DI Jack Mooney: My grandfather told me a story once, about these two wolves fighting inside all of us. And one of them is anger, envy, self-pity, regret. The other one is love, truth, faith, hope, that sort of thing.
And I asked him "which one of the wolves would win?" And do you know what he said?
"The one you feed." (00:18:15)
DI Humphrey Goodman: So, there's something I'd like to talk to you about. Something's been playing on my mind.
Martha Lloyd: Sounds serious.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Well, I wouldn't say it was serious necessarily, but to the same extent, I wouldn't want you to think it was something I took lightly. Er...and in that respect, er... it would be great to get your thoughts on the matter.
Martha Lloyd: I agree. We should kiss.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Do you?
Martha Lloyd: And I think we should do it now.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Really?
Martha Lloyd: Right now, in fact.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Blimey. I mean, if you absolutely insist...
Martha Lloyd: I do. (00:50:00)
DI Jack Mooney: Strictly speaking, paradise is a state of mind. You know that, right? I mean, the dung beetle - very different idea of paradise, doesn't he? (00:48:25)
Officer Dwayne Myers: You sure you know what you're looking at, Chief?
DI Humphrey Goodman: Yes, yes, I think I know my spark plugs from my, uh...my seat belts. (00:17:50)
Catherine Bordey: If you love someone, you should tell them. Throw yourself at their feet and declare it to the world. Beg, if that's what it takes.
DI Humphrey Goodman: That's very French of you, Catherine.
Catherine Bordey: And so English of you not to.
DI Humphrey Goodman: Perhaps. I've made my bed, and I'll lie in it.
Catherine Bordey: Alone. (00:02:55)
Answer: Most likely they had only tropical exotic drinks, he wanted an old fashioned English beer.