
6th Jan 2005

Jersey Girl (2004)

Answer: Trinkie.


8th Nov 2004

The West Wing (1999)

Pilot - S1-E1

Question: I don't really understand Josh's comment to Mary Marsh on TV ("Lady, the god you pray to is too busy being indicted for tax fraud."). Could someone please explain it to me?

Answer: It's in reference to the many televangelists and revival ministers usually associated with the right-wing that have been convicted of tax fraud (Jim Bakker and Tamy Faye being a more famous set). Occasionally, the more unscrupulous ministers have bilked millions from believers all in the name of God.


11th Aug 2004

Mulan (1998)

Question: When Mushu is using the panda for a horse, he says something along the lines of "Have you never seen a black and white before?" What does that mean?

Answer: In the US a lot of the police vehicles have traditionally been black and white. That is what Mushu is referring to.


4th Jun 2004

The Mummy (1999)

Question: The answer for another question made me wonder. If Imothep was alive when put in his sarcophagus, how can there be jars with his internal organs elsewhere? Wouldn't they still be in his body in order for him to be alive?

Answer: If you're referring to the only jars that are used in the movie, those are Anck Su Namun's organs. Not his. Near as I can tell, his organs were not taken, hence him being alive.


They are his body parts; remember that he had to get the body parts from each of the adventurers to complete his resurrection (he left one guy without eyes or a tongue and sucked the life out of him).

No, they are Anck Su Namun's. The mummy steals the man's eyes and tongue because he's been decomposing and his own have rotted off. It's part of his regeneration process. He simply didn't have time to fully "suck him dry," as the movie puts it before Evie stumbles onto him.


Answer: He was buried alive as part of his punishment so they can't be his. They are Anck su Namun's. He needs them for when he resurrects her. He gets organs when he fulfills the curse by taking them from the men that opened the chest.

His organs were probably eaten by the bugs, if they weren't they probably decayed, hence why he needs to replace them with the organs of others.

The priests cut off his tongue as he was being linen wrapped, but I doubt it was placed in a canopic jar. But it kept him from doing invocations or screaming even though a wordless scream is possible with no tongue.

14th May 2004

Donnie Darko (2001)

Question: In the part of the movie when the science teacher and Drew Barrymore are sitting in the staff room, what does their conversation mean? Science teacher says, "Donnie Darko." and Drew Barrymore says, "I know." What significant plot does this have?

Answer: According to the audio commentary, "they're being manipulated and they are aware that something is going on with this kid and are laughing about it." Director's commentary is very interesting.


Answer: Check out the trivia. It's already in there. (Yes, same swords).


Question: There is a scene where they're all sitting, laughing, telling jokes etc. When Minnie Driver tells a joke - for the love of me I couldn't hear it, and I never got to see it again - could someone tell the joke and explain the punchline?

Answer: There are two versions of the joke actually. The original which is found on the DVD and then the made for TV joke. I don't remember how that one goes and it doesn't seem to appear on the DVD I've got, but the original joke is: All right, there's an old couple in bed, Mary and Paddie. They wake up on the morning of their 50th anniversary. Mary looks over and gazes adoringly at Paddie. She's like, "Oh, Jesus, Paddie. You're such a good-looking feller. I love ya. I want to give ya a little present. Anything your little heart desires, I'm goin' to give it to ya. What would you like?" Paddie's like, "Oh, gee, Mary. That's a very sweet offer. Now, in 50 years, there's one thing that's been missing, and, uh, I would like you to give me a blow job. I would like for it." Mary's like, "All right." She takes her teeth out, puts 'em in the glass. She gives him a blow job. Afterwards, Paddie's like, "yeah, geez, now that's what I've been missin'. That was the most beautiful, earth-shattering thing ever! Beautiful, Mary! I love ya! Is there anything that I can do for you?" Mary looks up to him and she goes, [Skylar takes a swig of her drink] "Give us a kiss." [And her drink comes out of her mouth, indicating what would be coming out of Mary's mouth in the joke].


Even funnier is she has to have a Guinness or a stout so what comes out of her mouth is really dark.

Question: In the beginning of the movie when Elizabeth falls in the water with the medallion, it radiates some sort of enery...hence, this is how the pirates know the medallion is there. Right before the pirates Pintel and Ragetti find Elizabeth in the closet they say that "the gold calls to them". So my question is, how come they didn't find it 8 years ago when Will had it on his neck on the boat in the beginning of the movie...if the gold "calls" them? Wouldn't they know that the gold was now on the other boat? And why did the energy come out only when it hit the water?

Answer: They probably weren't looking for it until after it was safely locked in a secret drawer and inactive. Once in the water, the power of the gold was reactivated. It was about 10 years between the time Elizabeth found Will and the pirates refer to being cursed for 10 years and it taking them a while to figure out that being cursed wasn't all that great.


9th Feb 2004

Mad Max 2 (1981)

Question: Early in the movie Max finds an abandoned truck with graffiti on its side saying "The Vermin Have Inherited the Earth". Is this a reference to something?

Answer: Maybe the Judeo-Christian bible "The meek shall inherit the earth" (Matt 5:5). Not much of a stretch that someone in that environment would change meek to vermin.


Question: Could someone tell me more about the scene in which a person is rumoured to be hanging themselves? I know its not true and all. I'm just curious about it.

Answer: According to it's an emu or a crane that is flapping its wings in the background. Check it out here:


Question: Does Neo die at the end? The end of the film kind of left me wondering whether he was dead or just comatose or something like that, while the machines carried him off.

Answer: Pretty sure he's dead. It would be in keeping with the Christian themes found in the movie. The One died to save the world.


22nd Jan 2004

Stepmom (1998)

Question: Julia Roberts refers to the term "snow blowing" and states that she heard it described in a movie. Is this really a reference to a movie?

Answer: You can see the reference in Kevin Smith's first movie Clerks. Whether or not she's referencing that particular movie or not is debatable.


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