A nameless member

29th May 2013

The Hangover (2009)

Question: If Doug was on the roof the whole time, what exactly has he been doing for the past day while the others try to find him? (01:31:00)

Chosen answer: For the most part, he was passed out or sleeping while waiting for someone to find him.


Answer: Mattress was tossed from higher up on the roof, and to push the plot forward the hotel workers go with the idea that some drunk tourist tossed it out a window.

Answer: Doug was with them most of the night. He was in the wedding pictures. I'm assuming it's presumed he went back on the roof for some reason, maybe to sleep since at some part they ransacked the hotel room and he got locked out because at the beginning roof scene Stu propped the door open. They probably were bringing the mattress up to chill on too and he got locked out.

Answer: Of course he was just waiting, sleeping or sleeping it off all that time, but myself I have to wonder; Why didn't any staff OR security find him before his friends?! I'm sure there had to be some daily maintenance work on the rooftop AC's or something, which Doug could use to get back down when they come up! For that matter, I'm sure that if Doug had sufficient wherewithal to signal help by throwing part of his bed off the roof, he could've tried again with either a torn-out padding chunk of the rest, thrown down in the sight of everyone (something soft so as not hurt anyone), disconnecting sundry parts of the aforementioned roof utilities to create something to draw maintenance and security, or some other method entirely. Add to that, finding his box spring in the landscaping would have set the hotel staff buzzing anyway.


It's odd that the guys on the roof removing his mattress didn't see Doug on the roof.

The workers removed the mattress from the porte cochere, which is only a couple stories high. Doug was stuck on the roof of a resort tower, which is substantially higher.

The guys didn't remove the mattress from the roof. It was a statue on top of the lobby entrance. The building is a massive high rise. They'd never look for the roof. Assuming someone broke open a window and pushed it out.

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