Jean G

17th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

That Which Survives - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When Mr. Scott asks Watkins to check the bypass valve, Watkins is facing the engineering boards with both hands on the panel. When we cut to a different angle, however, he's suddenly jumped to a position facing Scott with only one hand on the panel. (00:18:35)

Jean G

17th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

That Which Survives - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: When Losira comes for Kirk, he's holding Sulu's tricorder with both hands. When the angle changes to include her, he has it in one hand with his right hand at his side. Cut back to a three shot of Sulu, Kirk and McCoy, and Kirk has the tricorder in both hands again. (00:36:55)

Jean G

14th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Star Trek mistake picture

Let That Be Your Last Battlefield - S3-E15

Revealing mistake: Stock footage strikes again when Kirk orders the red alert. A shot of the bridge and view screen, with Kirk standing in front of his chair, once more switches Kirk out for a stand in, and Chekhov has gone and is replaced by what looks like from behind like a young woman or a man with a long neck. Also the central display between navigator and helm is now different from that earlier. (00:11:15)

Jean G

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Whom Gods Destroy - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: As Garth brings in the chair and orders the governor's torture, the pedestal fruit bowl on the table in front of Kirk keeps moving back and forth in relation to him and to the wine pitcher. (00:22:40)

Jean G

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Whom Gods Destroy - S3-E14

Continuity mistake: When Scott orders Sulu to fire phasers to punch through the force field, the two phaser beams are diverging when they leave the ship, but converging somehow (space mirrors?) when they strike the planet. (00:41:20)

Jean G

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

12th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Whom Gods Destroy - S3-E14

Other mistake: At the end, Kirk teases Spock twice specifically about letting himself be hit on the head in order to determine which Kirk was genuine. But the phony Kirk never hit Spock on the head. He merely pushed Spock over and attacked the real Kirk. Clearly, the action sequence wound up differing from the scripted dialogue, and no one noticed. (Also clearly, Kirk is not speaking metaphorically here.) (00:45:30 - 00:49:20)

Jean G

11th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Elaan of Troyius - S3-E13

Revealing mistake: During the battle scene, the use of special effects stock footage of the view screen, as seen over the helm from the opposite side of the bridge, briefly turns the short, brunette Ensign Chekov into a tall, thin blond guy. (00:44:20)

Jean G

7th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

7th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

7th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

The Empath - S3-E12

Continuity mistake: After partially healing him, Gem falls away from McCoy and lands, unconscious, perpendicular to the dais he's lying on. When Kirk and Spock rush over, however, she's suddenly moved several feet away and is now lying parallel to the dais. (00:44:50 - 00:45:35)

Jean G

7th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

6th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

6th May 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Wink of an Eye - S3-E11

Plot hole: Spock plays back a tape of Kirk, McCoy and Compton on the surface of Scallos that no one in the landing party could have recorded. What a coincidence that it's identical to the footage that opened the episode. (00:36:05)

Jean G

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