Jean G

26th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Assignment: Earth - S2-E26

Revealing mistake: Isis the cat was disinclined to hold still for special effects shots. When Gary Seven beams off the Enterprise with the cat in his arms, the position of her head jumps several inches as they're dematerializing. (00:10:10)

Jean G

26th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Assignment: Earth - S2-E26

Continuity mistake: When Isis meows and enters the inner office, the door is open several inches and the lights inside the room are on. When Gary Seven follows her in a few moments later, the door has nearly closed itself and the lights inside are off. (00:20:25)

Jean G

19th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

The Ultimate Computer - S2-E24

Plot hole: When M-5 destroys the ore freighter, Dr. Daystrom says, "Fortunately, it was only a robot ship." But Daystrom wasn't on the bridge yet when Spock announced that fact. He didn't have any way of knowing that the freighter was unmanned. (00:23:00 - 00:25:05)

Jean G

14th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

14th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Show generally

Revealing mistake: While the interior sets for the shuttle craft provided adequate room for the actors to stand, the mock-up built for exterior shots was undersized, and too short to stand up in by several inches. So when entering or exiting the shuttle, the actors always had to duck.

Jean G

14th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

14th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Show generally

Deliberate mistake: Special effects of the ship in space were very expensive in the 60s and couldn't be wasted. So when a larger model was built with slightly different nacelles, shots of both versions became common, even within the same episode. This is why the Enterprise sometimes had red needle-tipped nacelles and sometimes lighted "spinning" ones, and in aft views she had either round white spheres or perforated vents at the nacelles' ends.

Jean G

13th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

A Piece of the Action - S2-E17

Revealing mistake: Kirk has just tripped both of Krako's goons with the radio wire strung across the door. He knocks them both out, grabs a gun and then races out the door - right through the space that should still be strung with the trip wire. (00:25:15)

Jean G

13th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

A Piece of the Action - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: While Kirk and McCoy attack the other two henchmen, Spock shoulder-pinches the card-playing gangster. In the very next shot, Spock's position has jumped from behind the now-unconscious man to several feet away, where he is bending over to retrieve the guns from the floor. (00:16:30)

Jean G

13th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

13th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

A Piece of the Action - S2-E17

Continuity mistake: In the very first scene after the intro, when Bela's goons hold the landing party at gunpoint, Spock's position on the sidewalk shifts back and forth from standing on the other side of a wooden bench to standing alongside Kirk and McCoy with no bench in between. In fact, in the latter shots, the bench has moved all the way across the street. (00:04:50)

Jean G

8th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

8th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

The Gamesters of Triskelion - S2-E16

Continuity mistake: The Providers' representative colors on the game platform and the thralls' collars (all three colors are on Galt's collar) are red, yellow and blue. But when Kirk appears before them, the Providers themselves are red, yellow and green, and so is the gaming symbol inside their glass bubble. (00:40:00)

Jean G

7th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

6th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

6th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Trivia: A perennial Star Trek extra, the tall blond Eddie Paskey played a red-shirted crewman standing in the background in virtually every Trek episode for all 3 seasons. He rarely had any lines, and was even killed off in "Obsession," but was back on duty anyhow in the following episodes and for the rest of the series.

Jean G

6th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

5th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Wolf in The Fold - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: In the briefing room, Hengist and the Prefect are sitting in chairs against the wall at least a foot apart, with bright overhead lighting that casts no shadows on the wall behind them. When we cut to a two-shot of them, however, they're suddenly shoulder-to-shoulder with almost no space between them, and the lighting changes to cast very dark shadows behind them. (00:28:20)

Jean G

4th Apr 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Obsession - S2-E13

Continuity mistake: At the end, when Kirk and Garrovick are beamed up seconds before the explosion, Kirk is holding his communicator up to his mouth with both hands. But when they finally materialize on the Enterprise, Kirk's hands are down at his sides: no communicator in sight. (00:47:00 - 00:48:10)

Jean G

31st Mar 2006

Star Trek (1966)

Friday's Child - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Kirk's arrow strikes the Klingon in the knee. But a few shots later, the shaft is protruding from his thigh, several inches above its original position. Still later, he's holding one hand to his calf just below the knee, which isn't where the arrow was either time. (00:43:40)

Jean G

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