
Fame (1980)

(3 votes)

Continuity mistake: When François starts talking to Coco in the cafe, the donut on her plate and items on the bar next to her keep moving between shots.

Continuity mistake: When the kids spying on the girls break the pipe, the pipe comes off of the wall. In the next shot it's fixed back on.

Continuity mistake: When Lisa is talking with Miss Berg, Miss Berg goes to wash her hands. After she dries them, the washroom door keeps changing how far open it is.

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Trivia: Director Alan Parker makes a fleeting cameo appearance. When Ralph starts his routine and says, "I'm a professional asshole", the camera moves to Coco's reaction, and then the next shot is the brief shot of Alan Parker before the camera shot moves down onto another actor. (01:41:40)


Doris Finsecker: I'm about as flamboyant as a bagel.

Leroy Johnson: I's young, I's single, and I loves to mingle.

Leroy Johnson: I told you I done it and I forgot it.
Mrs. Sherwood: My hearing is fine. Its your homework that's missing. And these couple of pages I have are unintelligible.
Leroy Johnson: Its a secret language, all right? It ain't meant for whiteys to understand.

More quotes from Fame

Question: What happens to Raul's little sister that makes him so upset?

Answer: She gets molested by a drug addict.

William Bergquist

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