Corrected entry: The first team that gets eliminated in the scare games cheats but Dean Hardscrabble hardly seems to care. Oozma Kappa cheats and she has all of them expelled.
Corrected entry: At the start of the scene where OK arrives at the ROR house for the mid-game party, it is obviously dark inside except for flashing blue and purple lights, seen through the windows. However, when the OK gang enter the house, it isn't dark anymore and the blue and purple lights are gone.
Correction: Purple lights were on the sides of the house, in the middle there was bright light, which is in the following scene, no mistake whatsoever.
Corrected entry: During the final scare challenge, Sully changes the settings on the robotic child. There is a huge screen showing everything going on in the room, and in the next scene you can see Mike sitting by the bed where the control panel is located. Sully could not have done the changes without everyone seeing him doing it.
Correction: We are not told WHEN Sully makes those changes and we don't know when the rooms begin airing in the live feed so this is not a mistake.
Correction: Oozma Kappa didn't cheat but Sully did. And she only had him expelled.