Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Other mistake: In the scene after Mini-Me's and Austin's fight when Austin is sitting on the space toilet to "eject" Mini-Me he picks up a copy of the London Times, as seen on the cover page of the newspaper. On the last page of the newspaper there is a weather page showing a map of the United States. Why would the London Times have the weather for the United States instead of Great Britain?

Other mistake: In the scene when Austin is rising out of the pool in the beginning, the water that shoots out of the platform he is standing on is actually going into the water shooter/sprinkler instead of coming out. This is due to reversing the film (so he comes out dry), but hey, it still looks weird.

Other mistake: When Frau shoots the gun out of Austin's hand, she fires from behind his back. She would not be able to do this unless she shot through him. She also would not be able to see his gun from behind him as he was holding it at waist level. One of those new boomerang bullets?

Grumpy Scot

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Suggested correction: She's not standing behind his back. She's at his one o'clock from the viewer's perspective, and has a clear view of the gun. He's also not holding the gun at waist level. He has it raised at his chest level because he's getting ready to shoot Dr. Evil.


Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me mistake picture

Revealing mistake: During the bedroom scene with Felicity and Fat Bastard you can clearly see the air hose that fills his suit when he rolls over in the bed. (00:49:10)

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Ivana Humpalot: Do you know how we keep warm in Russia?
Austin Powers: Oh ho ho! I can guess, baby.
Ivana Humpalot: We play chess.
Austin Powers: I guessed wrong.

More quotes from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me
More trivia for Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

Question: Once Austin has introduced himself to the two models, and they start photographing, what is the music that is in the background?

Answer: The music is the theme song to the TV show "Charlie's Angels".

More questions & answers from Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me

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