The Mummy Returns

Audio problem: When they arrive at "The Magic Carpet" you can hear Izzy drag three heavy bolts across the door, when the door opens, there are no bolts - just as well, otherwise shooting the lock wouldn't have worked. (00:56:30)

Audio problem: When the first fight happens at the house, we hear Alex tell his mom to look out, but he's actually not saying anything, he's just standing there quiet.


The Mummy Returns mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Rick is trapped in the bathroom, he finds John underwater in a bathtub full of suds. As John climbs out of the tub, his body naturally is covered in suds. However, when he and Rick jump out the window and start running away, John's body is completely suds-free. (00:30:15)

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Rick: Right. She's a reincarnated princess, and I'm a warrior for God.
Ardeth Bay: And your son leads the way to Ahm Shere. Three sides of the pyramid. This was all preordained thousands of years ago.
Evelyn: But how does the story end?
Ardeth Bay: Ah, only the journey is written, not the destination.
Rick: Convenient.

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Trivia: In the tomb, Alex knocks over the columns the same way Evie knocked over the bookcases in "The Mummy."

More trivia for The Mummy Returns

Question: The warriors for Anubis... What animal are they supposed to represent?

Answer: Jackals. More specifically, Anubis has been represented with the head of the Golden Jackal (although some now consider it to be the African Golden Wolf).


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