Moulin Rouge

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Revealing mistake: There is a shot where the point of view of the camera is looking down at Christian and Toulouse from the opening in his ceiling. You can see John Leguizamo's legs behind him and that he is kneeling down. (00:06:00)

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Satine: Tell our story Christian, that way I'll-I'll always be with you.

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Trivia: At the beginning, right after Christian sings the 'hills are alive' line, the unconscious Argentinian says something about him having lots of talent, and 'happens' to put his hand on his crotch. Then later in the movie, when Satine is unbuttoning his pants when they are in the elephant for the first time, she calls him a 'big boy' and Toulouse says he has HUGE talent.

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Answer: He wallows in self-pity for a while, then eventually begins to write their story. There's no indication that he has any further links with the Moulin Rouge - it would probably be too painful for him. Christian actually states in the movie that the night Satine died was the last time he ever stepped foot in the Moulin Rouge.


In what scene did he state that I'm curious.

When he talks about going back there to see if she still loves him. Right before he goes back there that last time.

When Christian sneaks back in after having been tossed out, he says he returned to the Moulin Rouge one last time.

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