Army of Darkness

Deliberate mistake: Ash's car breaks out into the courtyard and the whirling, windmill thing batters the Deadites aside. We see the carnage a couple of times filmed from different angles, one Deadite, planted, legs apart, gets battered twice and the guys who come in from the left and are quickly jerked off screen are shown again seconds later.

Phillip Churchfield

Deliberate mistake: During the final battle, when Ash is driving around in his car with the giant fan mounted to the front mowing down enemies, some of the evil skeletons he runs into aren't moving at all for several seconds before being hit. This reveals that the were just props designed and set-up to be run over for the effect. Additionally, the first two sets of skeletons he chops up in the fan are the exact same skeletons shot from different angles. (You can tell from the distinct way the one skeleton's arm comes off and ends up on the car's front).


Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where the deadites are invading the drawbridge, a person gets slashed by a guy on a horse. When he falls, if you look quickly enough you can see the end of an airbag come up under the bridge.

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Duke Henry: I am Henry the Red, Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northlands and leader of its people.
Ash: Well hellooo Mister Fancypants. I've got news for you pal, you ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit... And Jack just left town.

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Trivia: When Ash opens his trunk to get out some useful items, there is a Fangoria magazine and the cover is for Army of Darkness.

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Question: Whatever happened to Ash's chainsaw? Surely he wouldn't be such an idiot to leave it in the shack where he made sushi out of Bad Ash.

Answer: Towards the end of the film, when Ash mounts his horse and rides off into the sunset (before it then cuts to present day and he's back at the S-Mart), you can see his chainsaw is strapped to the horse's saddle. It seems that he either recovered it after the battle or perhaps he sent someone to the windmill to retrieve it.

Answer: It most likely ran out of gas or broke down.


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