Army of Darkness

Army of Darkness (1992)

1 suggested correction

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Trivia: Bafflingly, despite having little sex or profanity, and only minor cartoonish violence, the film was slapped with an NC-17 rating when it was first submitted to the MPAA. Everyone involved with the film was shocked. Turns out, a single 1-second shot of a little black, blood-like goo splashing onto a wall following a decapitation was the reason the MPAA gave the film an NC-17. Once it was cut, the film was reduced to an R.


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Suggested correction: While it's true that it initially got a NC-17 rating, it wasn't because of a 1-second shot of goo. It was mainly for the decapitation scene and ostensible gore. Director Sam Raimi trimmed down the decapitation scene, but refused studio pressure to trim the movie down to a PG-13 rating, so most of the people involved in the actual making of the film weren't expecting a PG-13 rating.


The one-second shot was from the decapitation scene you mentioned. It's the shot the bloody goo splashing on the wall after he slices the hag's head off. As for the second point, upon looking around, I'm finding conflicting reports. I've only really seen one or two sites saying Raimi "refused" to trim the movie down, and many more that imply he tried to appease them for a PG-13 and had no reason to believe it would be rated R/NC-17 due to how cartoonish the film is (several of these sites also cite a book as evidence, but I can't find the book online). But given there are conflicting reports, I'll edit out the last bit.


Revealing mistake: In the part it shows Ash getting sucked into the time portal you can see the wire he is hanging from. (00:02:45)

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Ash: Well hellooo Mister Fancypants. I've got news for you pal, you ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and shit... And Jack just left town.

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Trivia: The disbelieving clerk Ash is explaining his adventure to in the S-Mart ending is Ted Raimi, who can also be seen in the crowd below the castle battlements receiving Ash's pep-talk just before the battle with Bad Ash's Army of Darkness. Ted is director Sam Raimi's brother--and is best known for his part as Joxer in the Hercules and Xena TV shows (of which brother Sam was executive producer) where he again worked with Bruce Campbell.

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Answer: Bruce Campbell played Evil Ash, as well as playing both 'Ash' Williams and the mini-Ash.


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