Little Nicky

Trivia: In the scene where Nicky goes to heaven and meets his mother, a man walks in and she introduces the man as Chubbs. Chubbs was Adam Sandler's golf instructor in Happy Gilmore.

Trivia: When Nicky stops to smell the flowers, you can see the restaurant from the TV show "Seinfeld" in the background.

Trivia: When Nicky gets hit by the garbage truck, his blood makes "666" on Pete's shirt. Later, when Nicky dunks on Cassius/the ref, there's "666" on the shot clock above the basket.


Continuity mistake: In the movie someone says "listen to this" as he holds up a Chicago album. The song playing is "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It is?" That song is from the Chicago Transit Authority album. The album the actor holds up is Chicago V. (00:40:10)

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Regis Philbin: So, I was driving to work today. Some bozo in a Cadillac cuts me off. So, I followed him. When he got out of his car, I run up behind this guy and I start bashing his brains in with this bat! Did you ever see The Untouchables? I was DeNiro.

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Question: When Nicky is climbing up the fire escape to see Valerie he passes a window and inside there is a man dripping wax on his body. What is the tune playing in the background?

Answer: "Two Of Hearts" Stacey Q.

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